Blessed be the memory of when your street was my home, Ghazal 207 by Hafez

Blessed be the memory of when your street was my home, Ghazal 207 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 06, 2024

Blessed be the memory of when your street was my home, Ghazal 207 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

یاد باد آن که سرِ کویِ توام منزل بود

دیده را روشنی از خاکِ درت حاصل بود


راست چون سوسن و گل از اثرِ صحبتِ پاک

بر زبان بود مرا آن‌چه تو را در دل بود


دل چو از پیرِ خِرَد نَقلِ مَعانی می‌کرد

عشق می‌گفت به شرح آن‌چه بر او مشکل بود


آه از آن جور و تَطاول که در این دامگَه است

آه از آن سوز و نیازی که در آن محفل بود


در دلم بود که بی دوست نباشم هرگز

چه توان کرد؟ که سعیِ من و دل باطل بود


دوش بر یادِ حریفان به خرابات شدم

خُمِ مِی دیدم، خون در دل و پا در گل بود


بس بِگَشتَم که بپرسم سببِ دردِ فِراق

مفتیِ عقل در این مسأله لایَعْقِل بود


راستی خاتمِ فیروزهٔ بواسحاقی

خوش درخشید ولی دولتِ مُستَعجِل بود


دیدی آن قهقههٔ کبکِ خِرامان حافظ

که ز سرپنجهٔ شاهینِ قضا غافل بود



English Translation:

Blessed be the memory of when your street was my home,
And the light of my eyes was the dust of your threshold.

As pure as a lily and a rose, from the influence of your pure conversation,
On my tongue was what you had in your heart.

When my heart, from the wise old man, recounted meanings,
Love would speak of what was difficult for it.

Alas for that cruelty and oppression in that trap,
Alas for that burning need in that gathering.

In my heart, it was that I would never be without a friend,
But what could be done? For the efforts of my heart and I were in vain.

Last night, in memory of my companions, I went to the tavern,
I saw a wine jar, blood in my heart, and my feet in mud.

I turned around many times to ask the reason for the pain of separation,
The judgment of reason was incomprehensible in this matter.

Truly, the turquoise seal of Solomon
Shone brightly, but its fortune was fleeting.
Did you see the cackle of the strutting partridge, Hafez,
Which was unaware of the falcon of fate’s talon?

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:37 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses longing for a lost love and reflects on the transience of life and the pain of separation. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:37 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Loss: The poet laments the loss of his beloved and the pain of separation.
Spiritual Journey: The ghazal hints at a spiritual journey and the search for meaning.
Transience of Life: The poet reflects on the impermanence of earthly pleasures and the inevitability of change.

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:38 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

سوسن: Lily
خِرَد: Wisdom
دامگَه: Trap
مِی: Wine
فِراق: Separation
خاتم: Seal, ring
بواسحاقی: A type of turquoise, associated with Solomon
کبک: Partridge
شاهین: Falcon

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:38 p.m.

This ghazal is a poignant expression of human emotion, exploring themes of love, loss, and the search for meaning. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.