Blessed is the time when my beloved returns, Ghazal 235 by Hafez Shirazi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 45 4

زهی خجسته زمانی که یار بازآید

به کامِ غمزدگان غمگُسار بازآید


به پیشِ خیلِ خیالش کشیدم اَبلقِ چشم

بدان امید که آن شهسوار بازآید


اگر نه در خمِ چوگان او رَوَد سَرِ من

ز سر نگویم و سر خود چه کار بازآید


مقیم بر سرِ راهش نشسته‌ام چون گرد

بدان هوس که بدین رهگذار بازآید


دلی که با سرِ زلفین او قراری داد

گمان مَبَر که بدان دل قرار بازآید


چه جورها که کشیدند بلبلان از دی

به بویِ آن که دگر نوبهار بازآید


ز نقش بندِ قضا هست امید آن حافظ

که همچو سرو به دستم نگار بازآید



English Translation:

Blessed is the time when my beloved returns,
To soothe the sorrows of the sorrowful.

With the black-eyed steed, I have drawn near to the procession of her imagination,
Hoping that that noble one will return.

If not, let my head go into the curve of her polo mallet,
I will not complain about my head, and what will my head do anyway?

I have settled at the head of her path like dust,
Hoping that she will return by this path.

Do not think that the heart which has made a rendezvous with the curl of her hair,
Will find peace in that heart again.

What torments the nightingales have suffered from the day,
Because of the scent of the one who will not return again in springtime.

It is hoped, from the pattern of destiny's chain, O Hafez,
That like a cypress, my beloved will return to my hand.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 5:59 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses a deep longing for his beloved. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his intense feelings of love and desire.

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 6 p.m.

Key Themes:

Unrequited Love: The poet expresses the pain of unrequited love and the longing for his beloved's return.
The Power of Hope: Despite the pain of separation, the poet holds onto hope that his beloved will return.
The Beauty of Nature: The poet uses nature imagery, such as the cypress tree and the nightingale, to symbolize his love.

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 6 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

اَبلق: Piebald (a horse with two or more colors)
چوگان: Polo mallet
دل: Heart
زلف: Curl of hair
بلبل: Nightingale

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 6 p.m.

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Cultural references: Many of Hafez's poems contain allusions to Persian history, literature, and mythology.