Come, come, for there is a tale between you and me, Ghazal 109 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 42 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi speaks of the profound and unshakable bond between the lover and the beloved. Through themes of longing, heartbreak, and patience, he highlights the trials of love, where the lover endures countless hardships without complaint. Saadi laments the lack of acknowledgment from friends and strangers alike but remains steadfast in his loyalty. He reflects on the purity of his heart, his hope for eventual union, and his rejection of worldly distractions or remedies. The poem concludes with a declaration of Saadi’s belief that there is no path in life except the way of love, as love surpasses all else. Saadi’s verses are imbued with spiritual undertones, as the beloved represents both earthly beauty and a divine connection.

English Translation for Ghazal

Come, come, for there is a tale between you and me,
Tell me if there was a fault or mistake from me.

Is it fair to take a heart so freely, without care?
Do not do this, for there is justice to bear.

It’s no shame for the wealthy to look, from time to time,
At the alley where humble beggars reside in their prime.

Many days passed, with fortune favoring strangers alone,
Yet no friend came to say that a bond had been shown.

No one remains who does not pity my pain,
No one has said there’s a cure that can heal this strain.

A thousand times, if you upset my fragile heart,
From my side, there’s still purity, a fresh new start.

The fumes of melancholy have burned my brain,
Yet still, ignorance believes in alchemy’s gain.

We did not reach our desire, and life reached its end,
Yet hope still remains, should fate once more bend.

By the soul of the beloved, Saadi holds this creed,
There’s no place in the world but the path of love I need.

متن غزل

بیا بیا که مرا با تو ماجرایی هست

بگوی اگر گنهی رفت و گر خطایی هست


روا بود که چنین بی‌حساب دل ببری

مکن که مظلمه خلق را جزایی هست


توانگران را عیبی نباشد ار وقتی

نظر کنند که در کوی ما گدایی هست


به کام دشمن و بیگانه رفت چندین روز

ز دوستان نشنیدم که آشنایی هست


کسی نماند که بر درد من نبخشاید

کسی نگفت که بیرون از این دوایی هست


هزار نوبت اگر خاطرم بشورانی

از این طرف که منم همچنان صفایی هست


به دود آتش ماخولیا دماغ بسوخت

هنوز جهل مصور که کیمیایی هست


به کام دل نرسیدیم و جان به حلق رسید

و گر به کام رسد همچنان رجایی هست


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