Come, let us scatter flowers and pour wine into the goblet, Ghazal 374 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 44 1

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This ghazal by Hafez is a celebration of love, wine, and the carefree life. The poet invites his beloved to join him in a world of pleasure and abandon, where they can escape the constraints of conventional society.

Key Themes:

Love and devotion: The poet expresses a deep and unwavering devotion to his beloved.
Carpe diem: The poet emphasizes the importance of living in the moment and enjoying life.
Rejection of societal norms: The poet rejects the constraints of conventional society and embraces a life of pleasure.
The tavern as a symbol: The tavern is often used as a metaphor for a place of spiritual enlightenment and escape from the mundane world.

English Translation for Ghazal

Come, let us scatter flowers and pour wine into the goblet
Let us shatter the sky and create a new design.

If sorrow gathers an army to shed the blood of lovers
I and the wine-server will charge together and destroy its foundation.

Pour rosewater into the goblet of purple wine
Let us sprinkle sugar on the fragrant breeze.

While a pleasant river is at hand, strike up a cheerful melody
Let us dance and sing ghazals and toss our heads.

Sabā, scatter the dust of our existence at the feet of that exalted one
So that that beautiful king may cast his gaze upon our scene.

One boasts of reason, another weaves ecstatic utterances
Come, let us cast these judgments before the judge.

If you desire the Garden of Eden, come with us to the tavern
For we will one day cast your burden at the pool of Kawthar.

They do not engage in eloquence and sweet singing in Shiraz
Come, Hafez, let us cast ourselves into another realm.

متن غزل

بیا تا گل برافشانیم و می در ساغر اندازیم

فلک را سقف بشکافیم و طرحی نو دراندازیم


اگر غم لشکر انگیزد که خون عاشقان ریزد

من و ساقی به هم تازیم و بنیادش براندازیم


شراب ارغوانی را گلاب اندر قدح ریزیم

نسیم عطرگردان را شِکَر در مجمر اندازیم


چو در دست است رودی خوش بزن مطرب سرودی خوش

که دست افشان غزل خوانیم و پاکوبان سر اندازیم


صبا خاک وجود ما بدان عالی جناب انداز

بود کان شاه خوبان را نظر بر منظر اندازیم


یکی از عقل می‌لافد یکی طامات می‌بافد

بیا کاین داوری‌ها را به پیش داور اندازیم


بهشت عدن اگر خواهی بیا با ما به میخانه

که از پای خمت روزی به حوض کوثر اندازیم


سخندانیّ و خوشخوانی نمی‌ورزند در شیراز

بیا حافظ که تا خود را به ملکی دیگر اندازیم

@hamed Oct. 9, 2024, 9:51 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ساغر: goblet
فلک: sky, heaven
ساقی: wine-server
صبأ: a gentle breeze
طامات: ecstatic utterances, often considered nonsensical by the uninitiated
کوثر: a river in paradise
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.