Desiring you and yet being patient, has gone beyond limits, my dear, Ghazal 7 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 48 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi explores themes of love, longing, and patience in the face of separation. The poet speaks of the heartache of enduring unrequited love, likening his yearning to a beggar seeking solace. He reflects on the nature of divine will, expressing both despair and surrender to fate. Saadi’s profound humility shines as he prays for a reunion with his beloved and recognizes the insignificance of worldly status in the realm of true beauty and affection. This ghazal captures the universal experience of longing, acceptance, and the bittersweet balance between patience and desire.

English Translation for Ghazal


Desiring you and yet being patient, has gone beyond limits, my dear,
If you hold patience, I no longer have the strength to endure.

At least, cast a compassionate glance upon my state,
For even a beggar finds relief from the king's banquet.

When a king takes anger on the servants in his court,
Though his order reaches, yet there are bounds to cruelty.

Life without you is not what I would ever desire,
For there’s no solace in an existence devoid of friends.

If I, in thirst, surrender my soul, what use would it bring?
Tears falling on my grave won’t quench the grass in my dust.

The state of need cannot be expressed in mere words—
When you return, then I’ll recount to you all that befell.

Return, and in service, take this sweet life from me,
What else has a poor, humble soul like me to give?

O Lord, give my beloved respite and health, I pray,
So they may see, once more, the face of a friend.

Neither royal power nor the piety of a saint,
Matters in the eyes of those with beauty, dear brother.

If only the veil were lifted from Layla’s face,
So that no rival would remain to challenge Majnun's love.

Saadi, the pen has carved a harsh fate yet favored fortune—
Thus, whatever may come, bow down and accept the decree.

متن غزل

مشتاقی و صبوری از حد گذشت یارا

گر تو شکیب داری طاقت نمانْد ما را


باری به چشم احسان در حال ما نظر کن

کز خوان پادشاهان راحت بود گدا را


سلطان که خشم گیرد بر بندگان حضرت

حکمش رسد ولیکن حدی بود جفا را


من بی تو زندگانی خود را نمی‌پسندم

کآسایشی نباشد بی دوستان بقا را


چون تشنه جان سپردم آن گه چه سود دارد

آب از دو چشم دادن بر خاک من گیا را


حال نیازمندی در وصف می‌نیاید

آن گه که بازگردی گوییم ماجرا را


بازآ و جان شیرین از من ستان به خدمت

دیگر چه برگ باشد درویش بی‌نوا را


یا رب تو آشنا را مهلت ده و سلامت

چندان که بازبیند دیدار آشنا را


نه ملک پادشا را در چشم خوبرویان

وقعی‌ست ای برادر نه زهد پارسا را


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