Do as you will, for I will not rise in battle against you,
It is not wise to wrestle with those of great strength.
How can I close the door on the heart that I must sever from your union?
There is no one like you in the world, though the world itself is vast.
Not every eye sees the beauty of our beloved as it truly is;
Creation needs a mirror free of tarnish to reflect its glory.
Advise me another time, O counselor,
For now, my ears are tuned to melodies, and my heart is in captivity.
If you achieve union with the beloved, whether soon or late,
No shame will remain once your name rises above infamy.
O faithless one, why have you strayed from reason and wisdom?
Making peace with enemies should not mean waging war with friends.
If you have no desire to unite with me, then so be it,
For your friends have no longing but to gaze upon you.
Even if you cast me away like a stone in your presence,
In the end, your heart will pity me—for after all, it is not made of stone.
Saadi, your name has become a legend for your audacious ways,
What is there to fear now? After darkness, there is no darker shade.