Do not ask me how my heart fares in their hands, Ghazal 84 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 44 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi captures the torment of unrequited or deeply challenging love. The poet's heart is consumed by longing for the beloved, whose beauty and presence inspire both joy and pain. Saadi vividly contrasts the indifference of the beloved with the unwavering devotion of the lover, emphasizing the helplessness and depth of true love. The ghazal reflects themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the intoxicating power of the beloved’s allure, highlighting Saadi’s mastery in expressing love’s paradoxes: beauty intertwined with sorrow and desire mingled with despair.

English Translation for Ghazal

Do not ask me how my heart fares in their hands,
Ask them instead, for their fingers are stained with blood strands.

Why speak to the healthy of the wounded's plight?
What would they know of the agony hidden from sight?

In Leili’s radiant beauty, no gaze does she bestow,
But chases after the helpless Madman, her eternal shadow.

Each person’s mind holds the vision of someone dear,
But my thoughts dwell on one beyond all imagination, clear.

Blessed is the one whose door you choose to grace,
For dawn smiles upon them with your radiant face.

Such perfect form and harmonious grace you bear,
To abandon love for you would be a choice unfair.

If anyone renounces love under reproach's spell,
My devotion to you grows greater, deeper as well.

No, a king may proclaim, "Do not drink the wine,"
But your eyes and lips are drunk, intoxicatingly divine.

Since that day Saadi was parted from your side,
His tears have flowed like the Jeyhoon’s (Amu Darya’s) tide.

متن غزل

ز من مپرس که در دست او دلت چون است

ازو بپرس که انگشت‌هاش در خون است


وگر حدیث کنم تن‌درست را چه خبر

که اندرون جراحت رسیدگان چون است


به حسن طلعت لیلی نگاه می‌نکند

فتاده در پی بی‌چاره‌ای که مجنون است


خیال روی کسی در سر است هر کس را

مرا خیال کسی کز خیال بیرون است


خجسته روز کسی کز درش تو بازآیی

که بامداد به روی تو فال میمون است


چنین شمایل موزون و قد خوش که تو راست

به ترک عشق تو گفتن نه طبع موزون است


اگر کسی به ملامت ز عشق برگردد

مرا به هر چه تو گویی ارادت افزون است


نه، پادشاه منادی زده است، می مخورید

بیا که چشم و دهان تو مست و میگون است


کنار سعدی از آن روز کز تو دور افتاد

از آب دیده تو گویی کنار جیحون است