Do you know that without your face, I find no peace? Ghazal 120 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 32 0

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This ghazal is a heartfelt expression of Saadi’s unwavering devotion to his beloved, capturing the agony of separation and the all-encompassing nature of love. Saadi conveys his inability to find peace without the presence of the beloved, emphasizing how his very being is intertwined with their memory. The poet beautifully portrays love as a trap from which escape is impossible, a divine obsession that makes all other connections meaningless. Saadi’s tone shifts between hope and despair, blending themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and unconditional love. In the final couplets, he dismisses any notion of life without love, presenting it as the essence of existence.

English Translation for Ghazal

Do you know that without your face, I find no peace?
I cannot bear the burden of this long separation.

How can any part of me exist without remembering you?
Not a single hair-width of error exists in my entire being.

My desire for the mole on your cheek was but a fleeting thought,
But now that I've seen it, I find no way to escape this snare.

At night, I hope the day will never come again,
For if I don’t see you at dawn, I have no hope for the evening.

From the day I opened my eyes and beheld your face,
These eyes have no desire to gaze upon others.

Oh beloved, do not commit such cruelty that even an unbeliever would not,
For if I act faithlessly, I have no claim to the blessings of Islam.

Let the whole city rise against me in conflict and opposition,
For I, who am devoted to your private self, care not for the public.

I did not come to you with deceit to leave due to reproach,
If there is no honor or glory, servitude is still my duty.

By God and by your entirety, I swear, from head to toe,
I have no thought of enemies or fear of their curses.

I love you, whether you show kindness or not,
By your eyes, I swear I desire no reward beyond you.

Saadi says, an unworthy creature must be the one who claims,
"I have a heart, but I have no comfort in love."

متن غزل

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شب بر آنم که مگر روز نخواهد بودن

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به همین دیده سر دیدن اقوامم نیست


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ور جهودی بکنم بهره در اسلامم نیست


گو همه شهر به جنگم به درآیند و خلاف

من که در خلوت خاصم خبر از عامم نیست


نه به زرق آمده‌ام تا به ملامت بروم

بندگی لازم اگر عزت و اکرامم نیست


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