Drunken, he emerged from the tavern, Ghazal 28 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 56 0

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This ghazal by Saadi explores themes of divine intoxication, love, and spiritual surrender. The poet describes a figure emerging from the tavern, symbolic of breaking free from worldly constraints. Casting off the facade of piety and embracing sincerity, the beloved captivates hearts with a burning presence likened to a flame. Saadi reflects on the transformative and all-consuming nature of love, declaring the futility of patience and the fleeting nature of life. The poem concludes with an acceptance of life's impermanence, with Saadi finding solace in the bittersweet embrace of the tavern's wine, a metaphor for divine or existential surrender.

English Translation for Ghazal

Drunken, he emerged from the tavern,
Engaged in prayer with a shattered intellect.

He cast aside the cloak of piety,
And set fire to the garb of pretentiousness.

The flame of his presence captivated hearts,
With moths rejoicing in joy and fortune.

The soul, in its weakness, cried out on his path:
"O master of realms and miracles!"

What harm comes from the blood of a humble traveler,
When a thousand kings are in awe of your face?

Truly, by your life, if it were possible,
I would meet you with a thousand lives.

Had my heart's vision relied on patience,
I would have seen nothing but the challenges of love.

What remains of life to be spent?
What is gone is gone, alas, forever lost.

Now that purity has departed in Saadi’s time,
It is me and the bitter wine of the tavern.

متن غزل

سرمست درآمد از خرابات

با عقل خراب در مناجات


بر خاک فکنده خرقه زهد

و آتش زده در لباس طامات


دل برده شمع مجلس او

پروانه به شادی و سعادات


جان در ره او به عجز می‌گفت

کای مالک عرصه کرامات


از خون پیاده‌ای چه خیزد

ای بر رخ تو هزار شه مات


حقا و به جانت ار توان کرد

با تو به هزار جان ملاقات


گر چشم دلم به صبر بودی

جز عشق ندیدمی مهمات


تا باقی عمر بر چه آید

بر باد شد آن چه رفت هیهات


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زین پس من و دردی خرابات