Every dawn, the fragrance of flowers is from your garden,
And the melodies of the nightingale arise from your companions.
When Khidr beheld your enchanting, life-giving lips,
He said, “The fountain of eternal life springs from your mouth.”
Joseph has girded himself in servitude to you,
Certain that the kingdom of beauty belongs to you.
Every beloved who tried to captivate hearts,
Found no path to the heart, for its place is with you.
Have you ever heard of the fountain of Kausar’s spring?
Its likeness is in the unseen charm of your lips.
From envy of your radiant beauty in the heavens,
I saw every moon bowing like your crescent eyebrows.
This life-giving breeze, from the dawn’s breath,
Seems as though it flows from your amber-scented curls.
I would craft a hundred robes from my joy
If I could clasp my hands around your waist like a belt.
They said, “You host the lovers in your presence.”
Saadi is your guest for just one kiss from your lips.