For a lifetime, we’ve set our feet on the path of your sorrow, Ghazal 365 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 50 1

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This ghazāl by Hafez expresses a deep and passionate love for the beloved, characterized by longing, devotion, and a willingness to sacrifice everything for the object of affection.

Key Themes:

Love and devotion: The poet expresses a profound and unwavering devotion to his beloved.
Spiritual journey: The poet's journey towards spiritual enlightenment is often associated with the path of love.
Sacrifice for love: The poet has sacrificed worldly pursuits for the sake of love.
Beauty of the beloved: The poet is captivated by the beauty of his beloved, particularly their eyes and hair.

English Translation for Ghazal

For a lifetime, we’ve set our feet on the path of your sorrow
We’ve cast aside the world’s pretense and hypocrisy.

We’ve abandoned the arches and colonnades of the school, and the noise of learning
For the sake of the wine cup and the moon-faced wine server.

We’ve entrusted both our lives to those two magical narcissi
And our hearts to those two Indian hyacinths.

For a lifetime, with the hope of a sign
We’ve fixed our eyes on those two corners of your eyebrows.

We haven’t conquered the kingdom of tranquility with an army
Nor have we established a throne with our arms.

Until the magic of your beloved’s eyes plays its game again
We’ve founded our hope on the charm of your enchantment.

Without your rebellious curl, my sorrowful head
Like a violet, is bowed on my knee.

In a corner of hope, like moon-watchers
We’ve fixed our longing gaze on that bend of your eyebrow.

You asked, “Hafez, where is your wandering heart?”
I’ve placed it in the coils of that curl of your hair.

متن غزل

عمریست تا به راهِ غَمَت رو نهاده‌ایم

روی و ریایِ خَلق به یک سو نهاده‌ایم


طاق و رواقِ مدرسه و قال و قیلِ عِلم

در راهِ جام و ساقیِ مَه رو نهاده‌ایم


هم جان بِدان دو نرگسِ جادو سپرده‌ایم

هم دل بدان دو سُنبلِ هندو نهاده‌ایم


عمری گذشت تا به امیدِ اشارتی

چشمی بدان دو گوشهٔ ابرو نهاده‌ایم


ما مُلکِ عافیت نه به لشکر گرفته‌ایم

ما تختِ سلطنت نه به بازو نهاده‌ایم


تا سِحْرِ چَشم یار چه بازی کند که باز

بنیاد بر کرشمهٔ جادو نهاده‌ایم


بی زلفِ سرکشش سرِ سودایی از ملال

همچون بنفشه بر سرِ زانو نهاده‌ایم


در گوشهٔ امید چو نَظّارگانِ ماه

چَشمِ طلب بر آن خَمِ ابرو نهاده‌ایم


گفتی که حافظا دل سرگشته‌ات کجاست؟

در حلقه‌هایِ آن خَمِ گیسو نهاده‌ایم

@hamed Oct. 9, 2024, 6:48 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

نرجس: Narcissus (a type of flower) often used as a metaphor for the eyes
سنبل: Hyacinth (a type of flower) often associated with beauty and fragrance
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.