For the sake of the master, the ancient covenant, and what is right: Ghazal 28 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 41 3

به جانِ خواجه و حقِ قدیم و عهدِ درست

که مونسِ دمِ صبحم، دعایِ دولتِ توست


سِرِشک من که ز طوفان نوح دست بَرَد

ز لوح سینه نیارَست نقشِ مهرِ تو شُست


بکن معامله‌ای، وین دل شکسته بخر

که با شکستگی ارزد به صد هزار درست


زبان مور به آصف دراز گشت و رواست

که خواجه خاتَمِ جم، یاوه کرد و باز نَجُست


دلا طَمَع مَبُر از لطفِ بی‌نهایتِ دوست

چو لافِ عشق زدی، سر بباز، چابک و چُست


به صدق کوش، که خورشید زایَد از نَفَسَت

که از دروغ سیه‌روی گشت صبحِ نخست


شدم ز دست تو شیدای کوه و دشت و هنوز

نمی‌کنی به ترحم، نِطاق سلسله سست


مرنج حافظ و از دلبر‌ان حِفاظ مجوی

گناه باغ چه باشد چو این گیاه نَرُست



English Translation

For the sake of the master, the ancient covenant, and what is right,
The morning companion of my breath is the prayer for your prosperity.

My hair, which would have escaped Noah's flood,
Cannot erase the imprint of your love from the tablet of my heart.

Make a deal, and buy this broken heart,
For with its brokenness, it is worth a hundred thousand sound ones.

The ant's tongue grew long to the wise one, and it is right,
That the master of the ring of Jam spoke nonsense and did not regret it.

O heart, do not lose hope in the infinite kindness of your beloved,
When you boast of love, lose your head, quickly and nimbly.

Strive with sincerity, so that the sun may be born from your breath,
For the first morning became dark due to falsehood.

I have become infatuated with mountains and valleys because of you, and still,
You do not loosen the chain of your cruelty out of pity.

Do not be angry with Hafez and do not seek protectors from lovers,
What is the garden's fault if this plant does not grow?

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed July 31, 2024, 1:08 p.m.

A Brief Explanation of the Translation

Devotion and Love: The poem is a passionate expression of love and devotion to a beloved.
Spiritual Journey: The poem can be interpreted as a spiritual journey, with the beloved symbolizing a higher power or divine love.
The Power of Love: The poem emphasizes the transformative power of love.

@hamed July 31, 2024, 1:09 p.m.

Key Themes:

Longing and Desire: The poet expresses a deep longing for the beloved.
Divine Love: The beloved is seen as a divine being or force.
The Power of Sincerity: The poet emphasizes the importance of sincerity in love and devotion.

@hamed July 31, 2024, 1:09 p.m.

Some key Persian words and their nuances that are difficult to fully capture in English:

خواجه: Master, a title often used for spiritual leaders.
طوفان نوح: Noah's flood, a reference to the biblical story.
خاتم جم: The ring of Jam, a legendary ring said to have belonged to Jamshid, a mythical Persian king.
آصف: A wise counselor in the Qur'an.