From that wine of love, which ripens all that is raw, Ghazal 467 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 31 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez playfully juxtaposes the spiritual and the sensual, questioning the strictures of religious observance while celebrating the joys of love and wine.

Key Themes:

Love and wine: The poet intertwines the themes of love and wine, often using one as a metaphor for the other.
Spiritual vs. worldly desires: Hafez explores the conflict between spiritual pursuits and worldly pleasures.
The impermanence of life: The poet reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of enjoying the moment.

English Translation for Ghazal

From that wine of love, which ripens all that is raw
Even though it's Ramadan, bring a cup

Days have passed since this poor hand of mine
Has not grasped the cypress-statured one's locks or silvery arms

Though fasting is a noble guest, O heart
Consider its companionship a gift and its departure a loss

The wise bird will not fly into the monastery now
For they've set a trap in every sermon gathering

I will not complain about the ill-tempered ascetic; it's a custom
That when morning dawns, evening follows

When my beloved walks to view the meadow
Convey my message to her, O breeze

Is that rival, who drinks clear wine day and night
Capable of remembering the pain of thirst?

Hafez, if Asif doesn't grant your heart's desire
You'll hardly achieve your heart's desire by your own will

متن غزل

زان می عشق، کز او پخته شود هر خامی

گرچه ماه رمضان است بیاور جامی


روزها رفت که دست من مسکین نگرفت

زلف شمشادقدی، ساعد سیم‌اندامی


روزه هرچند که مهمان عزیز است ای دل

صحبتش موهبتی دان و شدن، انعامی


مرغ زیرک به در خانقه اکنون نپرد

که نهاده‌ست به هر مجلس وعظی دامی


گله از زاهد بدخو نکنم؛ رسم این است

که چو صبحی بدمد، در پی اش افتد شامی


یار من چون بخرامد به تماشای چمن

برسانش ز من ای پیک صبا پیغامی


آن حریفی که شب و روز می صاف کشد

بود آیا که کند یاد ز دردآشامی


حافظا گر ندهد دادِ دلت آصف عهد

کام دشوار به دست آوری از خودکامی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 6:27 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

Ramadan: The Islamic holy month of fasting
زلف شمشادقدی: cypress-statured one's locks (referring to the beloved's hair)
ساعد سیم‌اندامی: silvery arms (referring to the beloved's arms)
آصف: a wise and loyal advisor in ancient Persian mythology

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.