Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Ghazal 179 by Hafez

Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Ghazal 179 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 30, 2024

Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Ghazal 179 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

رسید مژده که ایّامِ غم نخواهد ماند

چنان نماند چنین نیز هم نخواهد ماند


من ار چه در نظرِ یار خاکسار شدم

رقیب نیز چنین محترم نخواهد ماند


چو پرده‌دار به شمشیر می‌زند همه را

کسی مُقیمِ حریمِ حَرَم نخواهد ماند


چه جایِ شُکر و شکایت ز نقشِ نیک و بد است؟

چو بر صحیفهٔ هستی رقم نخواهد ماند


سرودِ مجلسِ جمشید گفته‌اند این بود

که جامِ باده بیاور که جم نخواهد ماند


غنیمتی شِمُر ای شمع وصلِ پروانه

که این معامله تا صبحدم نخواهد ماند


توانگرا دلِ درویشِ خود به دست آور

که مخزنِ زَر و گنجِ دِرَم نخواهد ماند


بدین رَواقِ زَبَرجَد نوشته‌اند به زر

که جز نکوییِ اهلِ کرم نخواهد ماند


ز مهربانیِ جانان طمع مَبُر حافظ

که نقشِ جور و نشانِ ستم نخواهد ماند



English Translation:

Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure,
Such as it is, it will not remain so, nor will it remain that way.

Although I have become humble in my beloved's eyes,
Even my rival will not remain so respected.

Like a curtain-drawer who strikes everyone with a sword,
No one will remain abiding in the sanctuary's sacred precinct.

What is the point of gratitude or complaint about the good and bad of fate?
For whatever is written on the tablet of existence will not remain.

The song of Jamshid's assembly, they say, was this:
"Bring the cup of wine, for Jam will not remain."

Count it a treasure, O moth of the candle of union,
For this transaction will not last until dawn.

O wealthy one, gain the heart of the poor,
For the treasury of gold and heaps of wealth will not remain.

On this emerald portico, it is written in gold,
That nothing but the kindness of the generous will remain.

Do not despair of your beloved's kindness, O Hafez,
For the mark of tyranny and the sign of oppression will not remain.

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:17 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of impermanence, the nature of love, and the importance of kindness and generosity. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey these ideas.

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:18 a.m.

Key Themes:

Impermanence of Life: The poet emphasizes the fleeting nature of earthly life and the inevitability of change.
Love and Devotion: The ghazal explores the complexities of love, including the pain of separation and the joy of union.
The Importance of Kindness: Hafez stresses the enduring nature of kindness and generosity.
Spiritual Insights: The poet offers profound insights into the nature of existence and the human condition.

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:18 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

جمشید: A legendary Persian king, often associated with a golden age.
حرم: Sanctuary, a sacred place
زبرجَد: Emerald

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:18 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep philosophical insights with vivid imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and allusions creates a rich and layered meaning, inviting multiple interpretations.