Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, Ghazal 174 by Hafez

Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, Ghazal 174 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024

Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, Ghazal 174 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

مژده ای دل که دگر بادِ صبا بازآمد

هدهد خوش‌خبر از طَرْفِ سبا بازآمد


برکش ای مرغِ سحر نغمهٔ داوودی باز

که سلیمانِ گل از بادِ هوا بازآمد


عارفی کو که کُنَد فَهْم زبانِ سوسن

تا بپرسد که چرا رفت و چرا بازآمد


مردمی کرد و کرم لطفِ خداداد به من

کـ‌آن بتِ ماه‌رخ از راهِ وفا بازآمد


لاله بویِ میِ نوشین بشنید از دمِ صبح

داغ‌دل بود، به امّیدِ دوا بازآمد


چشمِ من در رهِ این قافلهٔ راه بماند

تا به گوشِ دلم آوازِ دَرا بازآمد


گرچه حافظ دَرِ رَنجِش زد و پیمان بِشکست

لطفِ او بین که به لطف از درِ ما بازآمد



English Translation:

Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned,
The sweet-singing hoopoe has returned from the land of Saba.

Soar, O bird of dawn, and sing the song of David once more,
For the Solomon of flowers has returned with the wind.

Where is the mystic who can understand the language of the lily,
To ask why it departed and why it has returned?

Humanity and divine grace were kind to me,
For that moon-faced idol has returned from the path of loyalty.

The tulip smelled the sweet wine from the morning breeze,
It had a heartache, but it returned with hope of a cure.

My eye remained on the path of this caravan,
Until the sound of the door opening reached my ear.

Although Hafez knocked on the door of sorrow and broke his promise,
See his kindness, for he has returned to our door with grace.

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:38 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses joy and hope, suggesting that a period of hardship has ended and a new era of happiness has begun.

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:38 a.m.

Key Themes:

Renewal and Rebirth: The arrival of spring and the return of the beloved are symbols of renewal and rebirth.
Divine Love: The beloved is often associated with divine qualities and is seen as a source of spiritual enlightenment.
Hope and Optimism: Despite past sorrows, the poet expresses hope for a brighter future.

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:39 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

باد صبا: Spring breeze
هدهد: Hoopoe (a bird often associated with messages and prophecies)
سبا: Saba, a legendary land in the south, often associated with Arabia
سلیمان: Solomon, a prophet known for his wisdom and wealth
سوسن: Lily
بت ماه‌رخ: Moon-faced idol (a reference to the beloved)

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:39 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and allusions creates a vivid and evocative picture of the human experience.