How can I cope with your absence, for I lack the strength to endure? Ghazal 121 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 43 0

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This ghazal is a poignant exploration of love’s hardships and the pain of unrequited devotion. Saadi delves into themes of loneliness, longing, and selflessness, portraying himself as a humble lover who lacks the strength to endure separation but remains steadfast in loyalty. He contrasts his unworthiness with the unattainable beauty of the beloved, expressing his inability to rise to their level. Through vivid metaphors, Saadi captures the essence of love as both a source of suffering and a spiritual transformation. The poem is a testament to the paradoxical beauty of love, where pain coexists with profound devotion.

English Translation for Ghazal

How can I cope with your absence, for I lack the strength to endure?
I am devoid of the means for patience and the stamina for resilience.

I fear my loneliness might lead to my disgrace,
It is not disgrace I fear, but the terror of being alone.

I am not bold enough to pull you into my embrace,
Instead, I kiss your feet, for I have no higher reach.

I am captivated by your beauty, but in the garden of union,
I sing like a crow, for I lack the melodious voice of the nightingale.

Since the image of your face was etched in my vision,
I no longer see myself; I have no room for self-conceit.

I bear the pain of separation, though I am utterly broken,
I carry the weight of your tyranny, even though I lack the strength.

Your heart has grown weary of me and now seeks another,
Whom should I turn to? None match your unparalleled nature.

Saadi, my fiery tongue burns for you like a candle in grief,
Yet, despite my fiery words, I cannot ignite your passion.

متن غزل

با فراقت چند سازم برگ تنهاییم نیست

دستگاه صبر و پایاب شکیباییم نیست


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