I am a lover of a beautiful face and charming hair, Ghazal 338 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 45 1

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This ghazal by Hafez is a celebration of love, beauty, and the pleasures of life. The poet expresses his deep love for beautiful women and his enjoyment of wine and music.

Key Themes:

Love and beauty: The poet is captivated by the beauty of women and the pleasures of love.
The pleasures of life: The poet celebrates the joys of wine, music, and companionship.
Spiritual longing: Beneath the surface of sensual pleasure, there is a deeper spiritual longing for divine union.
The poet's humility: The poet presents himself as a humble lover, seeking the grace of his beloved.

English Translation for Ghazal

I am a lover of a beautiful face and charming hair,
Intoxicated by a wanton eye and clear, unadulterated wine.

You asked me to speak a word about the secret of the eternal covenant,
Then I will tell you to draw down two cups.

I am a man of paradise, but on this journey
I am a captive of the love of youthful beauties.

In love, there is no escape from melody and passion.
I stand like a candle, do not fear my fire.

Shiraz is the mine of ruby lips and the quarry of beauty.
I am a bankrupt jeweler, confused and bewildered.

Because I have seen so many wanton eyes in this city
Truly, I don't drink wine now, yet I am intoxicated.

It is a city full of the coquetry of beauties from all directions
I have nothing, otherwise I would be a buyer of all six.

If fortune helps me so that I may pack my bags and go to my beloved,
I will scatter the hair of houris from my bed.

Hafez desires the bride of his poetic nature
I have no mirror, hence I sigh.

متن غزل

من دوستدارِ رویِ خوش و مویِ دلکَشَم

مَدهوشِ چَشمِ مست و مِیِ صافِ بی‌غَشَم


گفتی ز سِرِّ عهدِ ازل یک سخن بگو

آنگَه بگویمت که دو پیمانه دَر کَشَم


من آدمِ بهشتیَم اما در این سفر

حالی اسیرِ عشقِ جوانان مَهوَشَم


در عاشقی گزیر نباشد ز ساز و سوز

اِسْتادِه‌ام چو شمع، مَتَرسان ز آتشم


شیراز معدنِ لبِ لَعل است و کانِ حُسن

من جوهریِّ مُفلِسَم، ایرا مُشَوَّشَم


از بس که چَشمِ مست در این شهر دیده‌ام

حقّا که مِی نمی‌خورم اکنون و سَرخوشم


شهریست پُر کِرشمهٔ حوران ز شِش جهت

چیزیم نیست وَر نه خریدارِ هر شِشَم


بخت ار مدد دهد که کَشَم رَخت سویِ دوست

گیسویِ حور گَرد فشاند ز مَفْرَشَم


حافظ عروسِ طَبعِ مرا جلوه آرزوست

آیینه‌ای ندارم از آن آه می‌کشم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 11:52 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مَدهوش: Intoxicated
حوران: Houris (beautiful maidens in paradise)
جوهری: Jeweler
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.