I am a lover of a beautiful face and charming hair,
Intoxicated by a wanton eye and clear, unadulterated wine.
You asked me to speak a word about the secret of the eternal covenant,
Then I will tell you to draw down two cups.
I am a man of paradise, but on this journey
I am a captive of the love of youthful beauties.
In love, there is no escape from melody and passion.
I stand like a candle, do not fear my fire.
Shiraz is the mine of ruby lips and the quarry of beauty.
I am a bankrupt jeweler, confused and bewildered.
Because I have seen so many wanton eyes in this city
Truly, I don't drink wine now, yet I am intoxicated.
It is a city full of the coquetry of beauties from all directions
I have nothing, otherwise I would be a buyer of all six.
If fortune helps me so that I may pack my bags and go to my beloved,
I will scatter the hair of houris from my bed.
Hafez desires the bride of his poetic nature
I have no mirror, hence I sigh.