I am so captivated by your hair and intoxicated by your scent, Ghazal 40 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 54 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi expresses his profound love and obsession for his beloved, portraying how this passion has consumed his entire being. The poet's devotion is so intense that he is oblivious to the rest of the world and rejects all other affections. Saadi describes the surrender of his heart and body to the beloved’s will, comparing the transformative power of love to the eternal intoxication from a divine wine. The poem explores themes of loyalty, spiritual rapture, and the chaos that beauty can bring to those who admire it. Saadi concludes with a lament on the public sharing of his intimate emotions, longing for the sacredness of his love to remain untainted.

English Translation for Ghazal

I am so captivated by your hair and intoxicated by your scent,
That I remain unaware of all else in both worlds' extent.

No other face can draw my gaze anymore,
My beloved has shattered all idols of yore.

Sleepless I lie, tormented by thoughts of you,
No door should be closed to those who love true.

Every captive seeks the cage that confines them best,
But I shall not escape your snare while life fills my chest.

I am a servant of fortune, bound to a single chain,
For one who ties to one escapes a thousand in vain.

I obey your will—burn my heart if you desire,
I surrender to your rule—break my body in your fire.

On Judgment Day, the drunkard shall regain their wits,
Who drank from eternity's goblet since time permits.

My eyes are fixed on you while others on themselves dwell,
Companions revel in wine, while mystics in the wine-bearer excel.

If you, O cypress, refuse to sit still in grace,
What chaos will arise in this tranquil place?

O brothers and elders, do not counsel me to resist,
For my control is lost, and the arrow has left the wrist.

Beware the rain of Saadi’s tears falling from his eyes,
A single drop becomes a flood when it multiplies.

It is sweet to utter your name, yet how it pains my soul,
When these words are passed around, beyond my control.

متن غزل

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