I fell in love, and my reason rose in reproach, Ghazal 50 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 43 0

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In this passionate ghazal, Saadi delves into the overpowering nature of love, exploring how it defies reason and societal norms. He portrays love as a force that shatters caution and modesty, leaving the lover vulnerable to regret and longing. Using rich imagery of nature, such as roses and cypresses, Saadi contrasts the beauty of the beloved with the upheaval love causes. The poem culminates in an encounter where the beloved’s departure feels like a world-ending calamity, emphasizing the intensity of the poet's devotion and heartbreak.

English Translation for Ghazal

I fell in love, and my reason rose in reproach,
For whoever becomes a lover abandons safety's approach.

Whoever sits in private with a rosy-cheeked beauty,
Cannot escape the path where reproach follows as a duty.

Have you ever seen the steed of love’s sorrow take flight,
Without the dust of regret trailing in its sight?

Love prevailed, and among the secluded and the wise,
The veil of modesty and the honor of chastity dies.

In the garden where that laughing rose bush resides,
The proud cypress bowed, and its dignity subsides.

I cannot fathom how the hundred-petaled rose bloomed so bright,
Or to what height the cypress rose in its upright might.

For a moment, she sat with Saadi in pretended care,
Yet when she rose, calamity rose, leaving the world in despair.

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