I happened to find myself on the street of someone, Ghazal 58 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 44 0

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This ghazal by Saadi reflects themes of love, entrapment, and enduring the trials of passion. The poet likens his love to a caged bird and describes the bittersweet nature of longing and captivity. The imagery of a fly falling into honey and a ball struck by a mallet emphasizes the inevitability of pain in love. Saadi conveys the universality of desire, suggesting that those who criticize it are often caught in their own traps of longing. The poem encapsulates the vulnerability and beauty of the human heart in love's grip.

English Translation for Ghazal

I happened to find myself on the street of someone,
A street where many like me have been slain.

Carry the news of me to the birds of the meadow,
For one who sang like you has now fallen into a cage.

O morning breeze, tell the beloved:
Our affair is like dawn, fleeting and tied to a single breath.

What can one with shackled feet do but endure?
It is like honey into which a fly has fallen.

No one faults us for playing the game of desire,
Except those who themselves have been trapped by passion.

Saadi, the state of a scattered ball is known only to one
Who has been struck by the mallet of someone their whole life.

متن غزل

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