I have made a pact with my beloved, as long as I live, Ghazal 327 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 59 4

مرا عهدیست با جانان که تا جان در بدن دارم

هوادارانِ کویش را چو جانِ خویشتن دارم


صفایِ خلوتِ خاطر از آن شمعِ چِگِل جویم

فروغِ چشم و نورِ دل از آن ماهِ خُتَن دارم


به کام و آرزویِ دل چو دارم خلوتی حاصل

چه فکر از خُبثِ بدگویان، میانِ انجمن دارم


مرا در خانه سروی هست کاندر سایهٔ قَدَّش

فَراغ از سروِ بستانی و شمشادِ چمن دارم


گَرَم صد لشکر از خوبان به قصدِ دل کمین سازند

بِحَمْدِ الله و الْمِنَّه بُتی لشکرشِکن دارم


سِزَد کز خاتمِ لَعلَش زَنَم لافِ سلیمانی

چو اسمِ اعظمم باشد، چه باک از اهرِمَن دارم؟


الا ای پیرِ فرزانه، مَکُن عیبم ز میخانه

که من در تَرکِ پیمانه دلی پیمان‌شِکن دارم


خدا را ای رقیب امشب زمانی دیده بر هم نِه

که من با لَعلِ خاموشش نهانی صد سخن دارم


چو در گل‌زارِ اِقبالش خرامانم بِحَمْدِالله

نه میلِ لاله و نسرین نه برگِ نسترن دارم


به رندی شهره شد حافظ میانِ همدمان، لیکن

چه غم دارم که در عالم قَوامُ‌الدّین حَسَن دارم



English Translation:

I have made a pact with my beloved, as long as I live
I will cherish her lovers as my own soul.

I seek the serenity of a peaceful heart from that candle of china
And the light of my eye and the light of my heart from that moon of Khutan.

When I have a moment of solitude to my heart's content
What do I care about the malice of slanderers in the gathering?

In my house, I have a cypress, in whose shade
I have forgotten the cypress of the garden and the myrtle of the meadow.

If a hundred armies of beauties lay an ambush for my heart
Praise be to God and his grace, I have a beauty-breaking idol.

I have a right to boast of Solomon’s ring from her ruby lips
Since her name is my greatest charm, what do I care about Ahriman?

O wise old man, do not criticize me for the tavern
For I have a heart that breaks its promises when I leave the cup.

O God, tonight, let my rival close his eyes for a moment
For I have a hundred secret words with her silent ruby.

As I stroll in the rose garden of her favor, praise be to God
I have no desire for tulips or narcissus or rose leaves.

Hafez has become known as a rogue among his companions, but
What do I care, when I have Qavam al-Din Hasan in the world?

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Oct. 6, 2024, 6:37 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

This ghazal by Hafez is a deeply passionate love poem that expresses the poet's devotion to his beloved. The poet uses vivid imagery and poetic devices to convey the intensity of his emotions.

@hamed Oct. 6, 2024, 6:37 p.m.

Key Themes:

Devotion to the beloved: The poet is deeply devoted to his beloved and finds solace in their love.
The search for happiness: The poet seeks happiness and contentment in the love of his beloved.
The poet's confidence: The poet expresses confidence in his love and his ability to overcome challenges.
The poet's defiance: The poet defies societal norms and expectations in his pursuit of love.

@hamed Oct. 6, 2024, 6:37 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

چِگِل: China
خُتَن: A city in ancient China, known for its beautiful jade, often used metaphorically to describe a beautiful person
اهریمن: The evil spirit in Zoroastrianism

@hamed Oct. 6, 2024, 6:37 p.m.

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.