I lack the patience for the beautiful-faced, Ghazal 123 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 34 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi captures themes of love, longing, and the universal human desire for beauty. Saadi conveys his inability to detach himself from the allure of the beautiful and reflects on the shared longing in the hearts of all people for such radiance. He speaks of his devotion to a beloved whose charm is sought by all, dismissing concerns for adversaries and critics in favor of love's pursuit. The poet also extols the virtues of patience and resilience in the face of cruelty, while subtly affirming the inherent pull toward beauty as a fundamental aspect of human nature.

English Translation for Ghazal

I lack the patience for the beautiful-faced,
One can part from roses and tulips, but not from rose-faced ones.

In this city, it is not only I who seeks a lost heart;
There is no one who is not searching for what I desire.

That fairy-like moon, who has captivated my soul,
I know no one who does not, with their very life, seek her.

O camel driver, bring news of the beloved for me,
I care not for enemies or the whispers of ill-wishers.

A man should endure cruelty and show gratitude,
Not complain, for I cannot bear ill-tempered souls.

Do not fault Saadi, O master, if he is a man,
For there is no human who does not long for fairy-like beauty.

متن غزل

در من این هست که صبرم ز نکورویان نیست

از گل و لاله گزیرست و ز گلرویان نیست


دل گم کرده در این شهر نه من می‌جویم

هیچ کس نیست که مطلوب مرا جویان نیست


آن پری زاده مه پاره که دلبند منست

کس ندانم که به جان در طلبش پویان نیست


ساربانا خبر از دوست بیاور که مرا

خبر از دشمن و اندیشه بدگویان نیست


مرد باید که جفا بیند و منت دارد

نه بنالد که مرا طاقت بدخویان نیست


عیب سعدی مکن ای خواجه اگر آدمیی

کآدمی نیست که میلش به پری رویان نیست