I love this soulful lamenting, Ghazal 12 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 57 0

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In this reflective ghazal, Saadi Shirazi contemplates love, longing, and the passage of time. He expresses a fondness for his own lamentations, finding them a way to endure each day. The poet reveals his deep desire to see the beloved’s face once more, a beauty that outshines even the light of dawn. He also touches on the patience required for those who seek true joy, comparing it to enduring winter before spring. Saadi contrasts true lovers, who sacrifice in pursuit of the divine and meaningful, with those focused on material gain. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of the present moment, urging to cherish today rather than dwell on the past or future. This ghazal reflects Saadi’s wisdom on love, patience, and living in the now.

English Translation for Ghazal


I love this soulful lamenting,
That, in whatever way, lets me pass the day.

Night after night, I wait for a dawn
That brings the beauty of that radiant face—no ordinary dawn will do.

Oh, if I could once more see his kindness-bringing face,
I would thank my fortunate stars till eternity.

If I turned away from stones of blame,
How could I then stand as a shield against love’s piercing arrows?

Those who seek fulfillment must first taste disappointment—
One must endure winter to reach the spring of Nowruz.

Wise men ignore the head of Layla’s beauty,
Only Majnun has the grace to burn his own harvest.

Lovers of both faith and worldliness have a unique virtue,
A quality not found in those hoarding wealth and status.

Catch another in your snare, for I am already bound—
The trained bird needs no rope around its foot.

Saadi, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is not yet here,
Between the two, seize the chance of today

متن غزل

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شب همه شب انتظار صبح‌رویی می‌رود
کان صباحت نیست این صبح جهان‌افروز را

وه که گر من بازبینم چهر مهرافزای او
تا قیامت شکر گویم طالع پیروز را

گر من از سنگ ملامت روی برپیچم زنم
جان سپر کردند مردانْ ناوکِ دلدوز را

کامجویان را ز ناکامی چشیدن چاره نیست
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عاقلان خوشه‌چین از سر لیلی غافلند
این کرامت نیست جز مجنون خرمن‌سوز را

عاشقان دین و دنیاباز را خاصیتیست
کان نباشد زاهدان مال و جاه‌اندوز را

دیگری را در کمند آور که ما خود بنده‌ایم
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