I said, "I have sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow will end." Ghazal 231 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 54 4

گفتم غمِ تو دارم گفتا غمَت سرآید

گفتم که ماهِ من شو گفتا اگر برآید


گفتم ز مِهروَرزان رسمِ وفا بیاموز

گفتا ز خوب‌رویان این کار کمتر آید


گفتم که بر خیالت راهِ نظر ببندم

گفتا که شب‌رو است او از راهِ دیگر آید


گفتم که بویِ زلفت گمراهِ عالَمَم کرد

گفتا اگر بدانی هم اوت رهبر آید


گفتم خوشا هوایی کز بادِ صبح خیزد

گفتا خُنُک نسیمی کز کویِ دلبر آید


گفتم که نوشِ لَعلَت ما را به آرزو کشت

گفتا تو بندگی کن کاو بنده‌پرور آید


گفتم دلِ رحیمت کِی عزمِ صلح دارد؟

گفتا مگوی با کس تا وقتِ آن درآید


گفتم زمانِ عِشرَت دیدی که چون سر آمد؟

گفتا خموش حافظ کـاین غصّه هم سر آید



English Translation:

I said, "I have sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow will end."
I said, "Be my moon," she said, "If it rises."

I said, "Learn the custom of loyalty from the loving,"
She said, "Such a thing is less common from the beautiful."

I said, "I will close the path of my gaze to your thought,"
She said, "It is a night traveler and will come by another path."

I said, "The scent of your locks has misled the world,"
She said, "If you knew, even she would lead you."

I said, "How pleasant is the air that rises from the morning breeze,"
She said, "Cooler is the breeze that comes from the beloved's lane."

I said, "The drink of your ruby lips has killed us with desire,"
She said, "Be a servant, for He is a master of servants."

I said, "When will your merciful heart intend peace?"
She said, "Don't tell anyone until the time comes."

I said, "Have you seen how the time of our togetherness ended?"
She said, "Be quiet, Hafez, for this sorrow too will end."

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 5:34 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, longing, and the complexities of human relationships. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 5:34 p.m.

Key Themes:

Unrequited Love: The poet expresses the pain of unrequited love and the difficulties of pursuing a beloved.
The Playfulness of the Beloved: The beloved is depicted as playful and somewhat elusive, teasing the poet with promises of affection.
The Passage of Time: The poet reflects on the passage of time and its impact on his hopes and desires.

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 5:34 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مِهروَرزان: Loving ones
شب‌رو: Night traveler
لَعل: Ruby
عِشرَت: Togetherness

@hamed Sept. 15, 2024, 5:35 p.m.

This ghazal is a powerful expression of emotional turmoil, exploring the depths of love and longing. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey the intensity of his feelings.