I thirst beyond measure, O cupbearer, bring me that water, Ghazal 8 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 51 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi delves into themes of intense yearning, loyalty, and submission to the overpowering allure of love. He compares his thirst for love to an unquenchable need, one that even the simplest pleasures, like sleep, can no longer satisfy. Saadi contemplates the impact of a beloved's beauty, which is powerful enough to distract even the most devout from their path. He acknowledges the helplessness of the lover, who willingly surrenders to love’s wounds, unable to escape its pull. In the end, Saadi resigns himself to the beloved’s influence, recognizing that he is not in control—she is the one drawing him near. This poem captures the depth of love’s ensnaring nature and the beloved's irresistible magnetism.

English Translation for Ghazal

I thirst beyond measure, O cupbearer, bring me that water,
First, quench my thirst, then serve it to the others.

Once, I would not open my eyes from sweet sleep,
But the day of separation made me forsake peaceful nights.

When that idol passes in front of the mosque,
Any ascetic who looks upon her brow loses his direction in prayer.

I am not a wild prey who clings to his life—
If she shoots an arrow at me, I will stand and face her bow.

No one knows the value of a faithful companion like I do—
A fish on dry land truly understands the worth of water.

Once, I could wade in the shallowest waters with ease,
Now I find myself in an endless ocean, deep beyond reach.

Today I am drowning, and if I reach the shore,
Then I’ll recount to you the pain of this overwhelming flood.

Had I been disloyal, I would have taken my cries to the emperor,
For he slays his enemies, but this cruel one slays her friends.

Her rivals cry out, helpless against her longing admirers,
Even the doorkeeper finds the musician's sound a nuisance.

"Saadi, if you suffer from her cruelty, don’t return to her."
O blind one! Am I the one who goes? She is the one reeling me in.

متن غزل

ز اندازه بیرون تشنه‌ام ساقی بیار آن آب را

اول مرا سیراب کن وآنگه بده اصحاب را


من نیز چشم از خواب خوش بر می‌نکردم پیش از این

روز فراق دوستان شب‌خوش بگفتم خواب را


هر پارسا را کآن صنم در پیش مسجد بگذرد

چشمش بر ابرو افکند باطل کند محراب را


من صید وحشی نیستم در بند جان خویشتن

گر وی به تیرم می‌زند اِستاده‌ام نُشّاب را


مقدار یار هم‌نفس چون من نداند هیچ‌کس

ماهی که بر خشک اوفتد قیمت بداند آب را


وقتی در آبی تا میان دستی و پایی می‌زدم

اکنون همان پنداشتم دریای بی‌پایاب را


امروز حالا غرقه‌ام تا با کناری اوفتم

آنگه حکایت گویمت درد دل غرقاب را


گر بی‌وفایی کردمی یَرغو به قاآن بردمی

کآن کافر اعدا می‌کشد وین سنگدل احباب را


فریاد می‌دارد رقیب از دست مشتاقان او

آواز مطرب در سرا زحمت بُوَد بواب را


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