I will not abandon the love of my beloved and wine, Ghazal 353 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 65 1

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This ghazāl by Hafez is a defiant declaration of his love for wine and his beloved, rejecting societal expectations and religious norms.

Key Themes:

Defiance of societal norms: The poet rejects the constraints of society and religious dogma.
The pleasures of life: The poet celebrates the joys of wine, love, and spiritual ecstasy.
The poet's individuality: The poet asserts his unique identity and rejects the conformity of others.
Love and longing: The poet expresses his love for his beloved and the joy and pain it brings.

English Translation for Ghazal

I will not abandon the love of my beloved and wine
I have repented a hundred times, and I will do so no more.

The garden of paradise, the shade of the Tuba tree, palaces and houris
I do not equate with the dust of my beloved's threshold.

The teachings and lessons of the learned are just a hint
I have said it metaphorically, and I will not repeat it.

I will never know myself
Until I lay my head in the tavern.

The advisor scornfully said, "Leave love"
"I am not in need of a fight, brother," I replied.

This is the extent of my piety, that with the city's sages
I do not flirt and coquet on the pulpit.

Hafez, the place of fortune is at the feet of the old Magian
I will not abandon kissing the dust of this door.

متن غزل

من ترکِ عشقِ شاهد و ساغر نمی‌کنم

صد بار توبه کردم و دیگر نمی‌کنم


باغِ بهشت و سایهٔ طوبی و قصر و حور

با خاکِ کوی دوست برابر نمی‌کنم


تلقین و درسِ اهل نظر یک اشارت است

گفتم کِنایتی و مکرر نمی‌کنم


هرگز نمی‌شود ز سرِ خود خبر مرا

تا در میانِ میکده سر بَر نمی‌کنم


ناصِح به طَعن گفت که رو ترکِ عشق کن

محتاجِ جنگ نیست برادر، نمی‌کنم


این تقوی‌ام تمام، که با شاهدانِ شهر

ناز و کرشمه بر سرِ منبر نمی‌کنم


حافظ جنابِ پیرِ مُغان جایِ دولت است

من تَرکِ خاک بوسیِ این در نمی‌کنم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 5:02 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

توبه: Repentance
مِی: Wine
طوبی: The Tuba tree (a tree in paradise)
حور: Houris (beautiful maidens in paradise)

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.