If I were to heed the criticism of the accusers, Ghazal 341 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 96 1

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This ghazal by Hafez is a deeply personal and defiant poem. The poet expresses his disregard for societal norms and religious expectations, choosing instead to embrace a life of pleasure and spiritual freedom.

Key Themes:

Defiance of societal norms: The poet rejects the constraints of society and religious dogma.
The pleasures of life: The poet celebrates the joys of wine, music, and love.
Spiritual freedom: The poet seeks a spiritual path that is independent of institutional religion.
The poet's individuality: The poet asserts his unique identity and rejects the conformity of others.

English Translation for Ghazal

If I were to heed the criticism of the accusers
The way of intoxication and carefree living would not depart from me.

The asceticism of newly learned dervishes leads nowhere
As for me, who am the world’s infamy, what need have I of prudence?

Call me the king of the rebellious, my table is disordered,
For I am more foolish than anyone in the world.

Inscribe on my forehead with the blood of my heart, “empty”
So that they may know that I am a faithless sacrifice to you.

Pretend to have faith and pass by for God’s sake
So that in this robe you may not know what a wretched beggar I am.

O wind, carry my blood-stained poetry to my beloved
For the black lashes have stung my heart's vein.

If I drink wine, or if not, what concern is it of anyone else?
I am Hafez, the keeper of my own secrets, and the mystic of my own time.

متن غزل

گر من از سرزنشِ مدَّعیان اندیشم

شیوهٔ مستی و رندی نَرَوَد از پیشم


زهدِ رندانِ نوآموخته راهی به دِهیست

من که بدنامِ جهانم چه صلاح اندیشم؟


شاهِ شوریده‌سران خوان منِ بی‌سامان را

زان که در کم‌خِرَدی از همه عالم بیشم


بر جَبین نقش کُن از خونِ دلِ من خالی

تا بدانند که قربانِ تو کافِرکیشم


اعتقادی بِنُما و بِگُذَر بهرِ خدا

تا در این خرقه ندانی که چه نادَرویشم


شعر خونبارِ من ای باد، بِدان یار رسان

که ز مژگانِ سیَه، بر رگِ جان زد نیشم


من اگر باده خورم ور نه چه کارم با کس؟

حافظِ رازِ خود و عارفِ وقتِ خویشم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 3:17 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مدعیان: Accusers
رندان: Dervishes
شاهِ شوریده‌سران: King of the rebellious
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.