If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps, Ghazal 230 by Hafez

If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps, Ghazal 230 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 14, 2024

If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps, Ghazal 230 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر به بادهٔ مُشکین دلم کشد، شاید

که بویِ خیر ز زهدِ ریا نمی‌آید


جهانیان همه گر منعِ من کنند از عشق

من آن کنم که خداوندگار فرماید


طمع ز فیضِ کرامت مَبُر که خُلقِ کریم

گنه ببخشد و بر عاشقان بِبَخشاید


مقیمِ حلقهٔ ذکر است دل بدان امید

که حلقه‌ای ز سرِ زلفِ یار بگشاید


تو را که حُسنِ خداداده هست و حجلهٔ بخت

چه حاجت است که مَشّاطِه‌ات بیاراید


چمن خوش است و هوا دلکَش است و مِی بی‌غَش

کنون به جز دلِ خوش هیچ در نمی‌باید


جمیله‌ایست عروسِ جهان، ولی هُش دار

که این مُخَدَّره در عقدِ کس نمی‌آید


به لابه گفتمش ای ماهرُخ چه باشد اگر

به یک شِکَر ز تو دلخسته‌ای بیاساید


به خنده گفت که حافظ خدای را مَپسَند

که بوسهٔ تو رخِ ماه را بیالاید



English Translation:

If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps
The scent of goodness does not come from hypocritical piety.

If all the world forbids me from love,
I will do what the Lord commands.

Do not despair of the grace of generosity, for the noble character
Forgives sin and bestows blessings upon lovers.

My heart resides in the circle of remembrance with this hope,
That it may untie a ring from my beloved's locks.

You, with your God-given beauty and the bridal chamber of fortune,
What need is there for your hairdresser to adorn you?

The meadow is pleasant, the air is delightful, and the wine is pure,
Now, nothing else is needed except a happy heart.

The bride of the world is beautiful, but beware,
For this seductress will not be married to anyone.

I said to the beautiful one, "O moon-faced one, what would happen if
A heartbroken lover were to find peace with a morsel of sugar from you?"

With a laugh, she said, "Do not displease God, Hafez,
For your kiss would tarnish the moon's face."

@hamed Sept. 14, 2024, 12:19 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, spirituality, and the beauty of the natural world. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 14, 2024, 12:20 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Spirituality: The poet explores the relationship between love and spirituality, arguing that true piety is found in love and devotion.
The Beauty of the Beloved: The poet describes the beauty of his beloved and expresses his longing for her.
The Transient Nature of Beauty: The poet reflects on the transient nature of beauty and the impermanence of earthly pleasures.

@hamed Sept. 14, 2024, 12:20 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

باده: Wine
مُشکین: Musk
زهد: Asceticism
فیض: Grace
کرامت: Generosity
حجله: Bridal chamber
مَشّاطه: Hairdresser

@hamed Sept. 14, 2024, 12:20 p.m.

This ghazal is a celebration of love and beauty, and a meditation on the human condition. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey a sense of wonder and awe.