If my moon would lift the veil from her face, Ghazal 9 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 61 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi reflects on the overwhelming power of love, describing it as both intoxicating and consuming. The poet admires the unmatched beauty of his beloved, whose unveiled face would outshine the sun itself. This love, however, defies reason, as Saadi loses all sense upon seeing her. He explores the paradox of yearning—the more one seeks relief, the deeper the love’s grasp becomes. Saadi also emphasizes that true love is what elevates humanity above mere survival, suggesting that without it, one’s existence is no different from that of animals. Despite his own warnings to avoid love's entrapments, he acknowledges love's power over even the strongest. This ghazal beautifully captures the themes of love, beauty, and the transformative impact of passion on the soul.

English Translation for Ghazal

If my moon would lift the veil from her face,
Even the sun’s brilliance would bow to her beauty.

It seems her two enchanting eyes, beguiling the devout,
Have cast a spell on mine, stealing away my sleep.

At first glance, I lost the reins of my reason,
And once reason departs, who can discern the right path?

I thought union might release me from love's hold,
Yet drinking water only intensifies the thirst of the parched.

It would be false to claim, if from her gentle hand,
One would not savor pure poison as if it were sweet nectar.

True love is humanity; if this passion does not reside within you,
Then you merely share with beasts in eating and sleeping.

Bring fire and burn the harvest of the free-hearted ones,
So no king will demand tribute from the desolate.

The crowd is intoxicated by wine yet deprived of true beauty,
While I am so drunk with her that I need no wine.

Saadi, did I not warn you to avoid the snare of love?
The glance of her eye has brought even mighty warriors to their knees.

متن غزل

گر ماه من برافکند از رخ نقاب را
برقع فروهلد به جمال آفتاب را

گویی دو چشم جادوی عابدفریب او
بر چشم من به سحر ببستند خواب را

اول نظر ز دست برفتم عنان عقل
وان را که عقل رفت چه داند صواب را

گفتم مگر به وصل رهایی بود ز عشق
بی‌حاصل است خوردن مستسقی آب را

دعوی درست نیست گر از دست نازنین
چون شربت شکر نخوری زهر ناب را

عشق آدمیت است گر این ذوق در تو نیست
همشرکتی به خوردن و خفتن دواب را

آتش بیار و خرمن آزادگان بسوز
تا پادشه خراج نخواهد خراب را

قوم از شراب مست و ز منظور بی‌نصیب
من مست از او چنان که نخواهم شراب را

سعدی نگفتمت که مرو در کمند عشق
تیر نظر بیفکند افراسیاب را