If that Shirazian Turk were to capture my heart: Ghazal 3 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 30 2

اگر آن تُرکِ شیرازی به‌ دست‌ آرد دلِ ما را

به خال هِندویَش بَخشَم سمرقند و بُخارا را


بده ساقی مِیِ باقی که در جَنَّت نخواهی یافت

کنار آب رُکن‌آباد و گُلگَشت مُصَلّا را


فَغان کـاین لولیانِ شوخِ شیرین‌کارِ شهرآشوب

چنان بردند صبر از دل، که تُرکان خوانِ یَغما را


ز عشقِ ناتمامِ ما جمالِ یار مُستَغنی‌ است

به آب و رنگ و خال و خط چه حاجت روی زیبا را


مَنَ ازْ آن حُسنِ روزافزون که یوسُف داشت دانستم

که عشق از پردهٔ عِصمت بُرون آرد زُلِیخا را


اگر دشنام فرمایی وَگَر نفرین، دعا گویم

جوابِ تلخ می‌زیبد لبِ لعلِ شِکرخا را


نصیحت گوش کن جانا که از جان دوست‌تر دارند

جوانانِ سعادتمند پندِ پیرِ دانا را


حَدیث از مُطرب و مِی گو و رازِ دَهر کمتر جو

که کس نَگْشود و نَگْشاید به حکمت این مُعمّا را


غزل گفتی و دُر سُفتی بیا و خوش بخوان حافظ

که بر نظمِ تو اَفشانَد فَلَک عِقد ثریّا را



English Translation:

If that Shirazian Turk were to capture my heart,
I would gladly give Samarkand and Bukhara for her Indian mole.

O wine-server, bring the eternal wine that you won't find in paradise,
Beside the waters of Ruknabad and the garden of Musalla.

Alas, these playful, sweet-natured, city-disturbing rogues,
Have stolen my patience like the Turkmen plunder the battlefield.

My beloved's beauty is quite independent of our incomplete love,
What need has a beautiful face for water, color, mole, or line?

From Yusuf's ever-increasing beauty, I learned,That love can draw
Zuleikha out from behind the veil of chastity.

If you insult me, or even curse me, I will still pray for you,
A bitter reply befits a sweet-lipped ruby.

Listen to advice, my dear, for the fortunate youth,
Cherish the counsel of the wise old man.

Speak of music and wine, and seek less the secret of time,
For no one has solved, nor will solve, this riddle with wisdom.

You've composed a ghazal and scattered pearls, come and sing joyfully,
Hafez,For the heavens will shower the Pleiades upon your verse.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed July 29, 2024, 1:07 p.m.

A Brief Explanation of the Translation

Love and Beauty: The poet expresses an intense longing for a beloved, often described using Persian and Arabic imagery.
Sufi Undertones: As with many of Hafez's ghazals, there are Sufi undertones, with the beloved often symbolizing the divine.
Wine and Tavern: These are common motifs in Persian poetry, often symbolizing spiritual intoxication or enlightenment.
The Transient Nature of Life: The poet reflects on the fleeting nature of earthly pleasures and the enduring nature of love.

@hamed July 29, 2024, 1:07 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Longing: The central theme is the poet's intense love for a beloved.
Spiritual Quest: The poem can be interpreted as a spiritual journey, with the beloved representing a higher power.
Beauty and Aesthetics: Hafez's poetry is renowned for its beautiful imagery and descriptions of nature.