If you were to unveil your face in the city's midst, Ghazal 25 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 55 0

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This ghazal captures Saadi's exploration of the irresistible power of love and beauty. The poet expresses how the beloved's allure transcends veils and captivates not only him but also countless others. Saadi illustrates his helplessness against the beloved's charm, comparing his suffering to that of a fish out of water. The interplay between reproach and admiration reflects the paradox of love's joy and torment. The closing lines underscore the universality of desire, dismissing false claims of resistance to the beloved's pull, further emphasizing love's inevitability and profound grip on the human spirit.

English Translation for Ghazal

If you were to unveil your face in the city's midst,
A thousand devoted believers would fall prey to affliction.

Who could dare glance upon your auspicious beauty,
When even behind the veil, you steal hearts effortlessly?

My heart is never free from thoughts of you,
Now that you've captivated the city, leave it not in ruin.

With your coiled tresses, you've bound my restless heart,
But if you turn away, O fortunate one, you’ll unravel my soul.

Our story, brief as it may be, might reach your ears,
Yet you cannot know the thirst of the parched, O well-watered flower.

If the lamp dies, what concern is it to the breeze?
If the linen scatters, why should the moon grieve?

I offer you prayers, yet should you curse me, it matters not,
For even sweet exchanges with honey-lipped ones are delightful.

Where are you now, to reproach and scorn me?
You remain safe on the shore while I am drowning in the depths.

What blame lies upon one bound by misfortune?
If you can extend a helping hand, do not withhold it.

Though patience for the beloved seems impossible for me,
I endure out of necessity, like a fish surviving without water.

You claim restraint, Saadi, from giving your heart away,
But every claimant of such is but a liar.

متن غزل

اگر تو برفکنی در میان شهر نقاب

هزار مؤمن مخلص درافکنی به عقاب


که را مجال نظر بر جمال میمونت

بدین صفت که تو دل می‌بری ورای حجاب


درون ما ز تو یک دم نمی‌شود خالی

کنون که شهر گرفتی روا مدار خراب


به موی تافته پای دلم فروبستی

چو موی تافتی ای نیکبخت روی متاب


تو را حکایت ما مختصر به گوش آید

که حال تشنه نمی‌دانی ای گل سیراب


اگر چراغ بمیرد صبا چه غم دارد

و گر بریزد کتان چه غم خورد مهتاب


دعات گفتم و دشنام اگر دهی سهل است

که با شکردهنان خوش بود سؤال و جواب


کجایی ای که تعنت کنی و طعنه زنی

تو بر کناری و ما اوفتاده در غرقاب


اسیر بند بلا را چه جای سرزنش است

گرت معاونتی دست می‌دهد دریاب


اگر چه صبر من از روی دوست ممکن نیست

همی‌کنم به ضرورت چو صبر ماهی از آب


تو باز دعوی پرهیز می‌کنی سعدی

که دل به کس ندهم کُلُّ مُدِّعٍ کَذّاب