Is that you, or a garden cypress swaying as it walks, Ghazal 59 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 32 0

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This ghazal by Saadi is a poetic meditation on love’s beauty, longing, and the enduring pain of separation. The poet marvels at the beloved's ethereal qualities, comparing them to heavenly and natural wonders. He speaks of the transformative power of love, where even lifeless walls bear the beloved’s image, and laments the sleepless nights brought by longing. Saadi reminds himself—and the reader—that love has always come with challenges and that enduring them is a testament to devotion. This work is both a celebration of the beloved's allure and a reflection on love's timeless trials.

English Translation for Ghazal

Is that you, or a garden cypress swaying as it walks,
Or an angel in human form speaking as it talks?

That fairy who was hidden from people for so long,
I see again, appearing in the world, where they belong.

Is it burning aloes, or blossoms in the field?
Friends, or a caravan of musk with scent revealed?

Since my eyes became familiar with their radiant face,
Everything I see appears like walls in their place.

Camel driver, cast a glance at that lovely sight,
If they grant life, here I am, a buyer tonight.

No longer will I stay home, trapped in sorrow and despair,
Especially now you’ve said the rose is in the market square.

If you deny that creation shows beauty in its art,
Then I say the eyes were made for this purpose from the start.

Oh, if I could again see the face of my dear one,
You’d see a dead man returned to life, this world spun.

What I endure, captive to you, O comfort of my soul,
I’ll only share with one who’s also bound in love’s control.

Who is this moaning among the free-hearted in their space?
They wail because of many wounds they face.

Don’t think that after your sleepy eyes have turned away,
Sleep has ever touched my wakeful eyes, night or day.

Saadi, if you have ambition, don’t lament love’s pain,
For as long as the world has been, lovers have endured this strain.

متن غزل

آن تویی یا سرو بستانی به رفتار آمده‌ست

یا ملک در صورت مردم به گفتار آمده‌ست


آن پری کز خلق پنهان بود چندین روزگار

باز می‌بینم که در عالم پدیدار آمده‌ست


عود می‌سوزند یا گل می‌دمد در بوستان

دوستان یا کاروان مشک تاتار آمده‌ست


تا مرا با نقش رویش آشنایی اوفتاد

هر چه می‌بینم به چشمم نقش دیوار آمده‌ست


ساربانا یک نظر در روی آن زیبا نگار

گر به جانی می‌دهد اینک خریدار آمده‌ست


من دگر در خانه ننشینم اسیر و دردمند

خاصه این ساعت که گفتی گل به بازار آمده‌ست


گر تو انکار نظر در آفرینش می‌کنی

من همی‌گویم که چشم از بهر این کار آمده‌ست


وه که گر من بازبینم روی یار خویش را

مرده‌ای بینی که با دنیا دگر بار آمده‌ست


آن چه بر من می‌رود در بندت ای آرام جان

با کسی گویم که در بندی گرفتار آمده‌ست


نی که می‌نالد همی در مجلس آزادگان

زان همی‌ نالد که بر وی زخم بسیار آمده‌ست


تا نپنداری که بعد از چشم خواب آلود تو

تا برفتی خوابم اندر چشم بیدار آمده‌ست


سعدیا گر همتی داری منال از جور یار

تا جهان بوده‌ست جور یار بر یار آمده‌ست