Is this the breeze of spring from the garden fair, Ghazal 79 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 30 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi paints a vivid tapestry of longing, love, and reconciliation. The poet compares the beauty of spring’s breeze to the joy of union with dear friends and the beloved. The imagery of burning candles and eager anticipation reflects the poet’s deep yearning and heartache in separation. Despite enmity or conflict, Saadi expresses unwavering love and a desire for reunion, emphasizing the strength of affection over grievances. The ghazal also conveys the poet’s anguish, where even the act of writing becomes an expression of his consuming passion, as the ink transforms into flames and smoke.

English Translation for Ghazal

Is this the breeze of spring from the garden fair,
Or the fragrance of union with friends so rare?

This line of beauty steals my heart away,
As if the beloved’s charm is on display.

O bird, ensnared by the trap of desire,
Return, for the time to nest has transpired.

By night, the candle and I together burn,
And thus, my hidden anguish you discern.

My ears all day long await your call,
My gaze fixed upon your threshold's hall.

When the muezzin’s voice reaches my ear,
I think it’s the caravan's arrival near.

Despite all the enmity you have shown,
Return, for my love for you remains alone.

The mighty arms of your love's embrace,
Have rendered patience a powerless grace.

The estrangement of close and cherished friends,
Is like the soul and body’s parting end.

The cries of Saadi, in sorrow so deep,
Bear the mark of love's vow he keeps.

His pen’s ink turns to flames as it flows,
Each drop of ink now a smoke cloud shows.

متن غزل

این باد بهار بوستان است؟

یا بوی وصالِ دوستان است؟


دل می‌برد این خط نگارین

گویی خط روی دلستان است


ای مرغ به دام دل گرفتار

بازآی که وقت آشیان است


شب‌ها من و شمع می‌گدازیم

این است که سوز من نهان است


گوشم همه روز از انتظارت

بر راه و نظر بر آستان است


ور بانگ مؤذنی میاید

گویم که دَرای کاروان است


با آن همه دشمنی که کردی

بازآی که دوستی همان است


با قوت بازوان عشقت

سرپنجهٔ صبر ناتوان است


بیزاری دوستان دمساز

تفریق میان جسم و جان است


نالیدن دردناک سعدی

بر دعوی دوستی بیان است


آتش به نی قلم درانداخت

وین حِبْر که می‌رود دُخان است