It was never our custom to break the bond of loyalty, Ghazal 6 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 56 0

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This ghazal is a powerful expression of love, loyalty, and the spiritual journey. Saadi explores themes such as:

The Value of Loyalty: The poet emphasizes the importance of keeping one's promises and being loyal to friends and loved ones.
The Power of Love: The poet describes love as a transformative force that can transcend worldly pleasures and even death.
The Beauty of the Beloved: The poet extols the beauty of the beloved, comparing them to a divine creation.
Spiritual Ecstasy: The poet speaks of the spiritual ecstasy that comes from being in love and the foolishness of those who reject such experiences.

The ghazal also contains many literary devices, such as metaphors, similes, and allusions, which contribute to its richness and beauty. For example, the comparison of the beloved's beauty to a divine creation and the reference to the Day of Judgment are both powerful and evocative images.

English Translation for Ghazal

It was never our custom to break the bond of loyalty,
Oh God, oh God, do not forget our companionship.

One who doesn't know the value of love and has no firm step,
Cannot bear the burden of injustice.

If I were given a choice on the Day of Judgment, I would choose:
Your friendship over all the blessings of your paradise.

Even if my head should be at risk, I will not turn away from your covenant,
So that they may say after me, "He died preserving his loyalty."

Cool is that pain when my beloved comes to visit me,
The sick would not seek a cure for such a pain.

Do not doubt, look at yourself in the mirror,
To know what one afflicted with calamity is like.

Let the wind of spring leave the locks of the maidens of the meadow,
If it can reach your locks.

Reason bites its finger in perplexity,
When it contemplates this miraculous form.

I wish to be like a candle before your presence,
That I may be completely consumed, headless and footless.

The short-sighted look at the page of beautiful faces,
And see only lines, while the mystic sees the pen of God's creation.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on your face with concern,
But the self-absorbed do not recognize the air.

Learn kindness from me, for life is short,
At Saadi's grave, seek the kindness of the merciful.

Let no sober person blame our intoxication,
Say to the sober, "He who abandons ecstasy from the people is foolish."

متن غزل

پیش ما رسمِ شکستن نبود عهد وفا را

الله الله تو فراموش مکن صحبت ما را


قیمت عشق نداند قدم صدق ندارد

سست‌عهدی که تحمل نکند بار جفا را


گر مُخَیَّر بکنندم به قیامت که چه خواهی

دوست ما را و همه نعمت فردوس شما را


گر سرم می‌رود از عهد تو سر بازنپیچم

تا بگویند پس از من که به سر برد وفا را


خنک آن درد که یارم به عیادت به سر آید

دردمندان به چنین درد نخواهند دوا را


باور از مات نباشد تو در آیینه نگه کن

تا بدانی که چه بودست گرفتار بلا را


از سر زلف عروسان چمن دست بدارد

به سر زلف تو گر دست رسد باد صبا را


سر انگشت تَحَیُّر بگزد عقل به دندان

چون تأمل کند این صورت انگشت‌نما را


آرزو می‌کندم شمع‌صفت پیش وجودت

که سراپای بسوزند من بی سر و پا را


چشم کوته‌نظران بر ورق صورت خوبان

خط همی‌بیند و عارف قلم صنع خدا را


همه را دیده به رویت نگرانست ولیکن

خودپرستان ز حقیقت نشناسند هوا را


مهربانی ز من آموز و گرم عمر نماند

به سر تربت سعدی بطلب مهرْگیا را


هیچ هشیار ملامت نکند مستی ما را

قُل لِصاحٍ تَرَکَ النّاسَ مِن الوَجْدِ سُکاریٰ