It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024

It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

عید است و آخِرِ گُل و یاران در انتظار

ساقی به رویِ شاه ببین ماه و مِی بیار


دل برگرفته بودم از ایّام گُل، ولی

کاری بِکَرد همّت پاکانِ روزه دار


دل در جهان مَبَند و به مستی سؤال کن

از فیض جام و قصهٔ جمشیدِ کامگار


جز نقدِ جان به دست ندارم شراب کو؟

کان نیز بر کرشمهٔ ساقی کُنم نثار


خوش دولتیست خرّم و خوش خسروی کریم

خوش دولتیست خرّم و خوش خسروی کریم


مِی خور به شعرِ بنده که زیبی دگر دهد

جامِ مُرَصَّعِ تو بدین دُرِّ شاهوار


گر فوت شد سَحور چه نقصان صَبوح هست

از مِی کنند روزه گشا طالبانِ یار


زانجا که پرده پوشیِ عفوِ کریمِ توست

بر قلب ما ببخش که نقدیست کم عیار


ترسم که روزِ حشر عِنان بر عِنان رَوَد

تسبیحِ شیخ و خرقهٔ رندِ شرابخوار


حافظ چو رفت روزه و گل نیز می‌رود

ناچار باده نوش که از دستْ رفتْ کار



English Translation:

It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await,
O wine-server, bring the moon and wine before the king.

I had turned my heart away from the days of spring, but
The pure intentions of the fasting have done something.

Don’t attach your heart to the world, and ask in drunkenness,
About the grace of the cup and the tale of the fortunate Jamshid.

I have nothing but the coin of my life, where is the wine?
Even that I will offer as a sacrifice to the wine-server’s charm.

A happy fortune is blessed, and a generous king is fortunate,
O Lord, protect him from the evil eye of time.

Drink wine to my poetry, for it will give you a new beauty,
Your jeweled cup with this precious pearl.

If the pre-dawn meal is missed, what harm is there in the morning drink?
The seekers of their beloved open their fast with wine.

Because of the veil of Your generous forgiveness,
Forgive our hearts, for they are of little worth.

I fear that on the Day of Judgment, the reins will be pulled tight,
Both the sheikh’s rosary and the robe of the wine-drinking rogue.

When Hafez departs, the fast and the flowers will also go,
Necessarily drink wine, for the opportunity has passed.

@hamed Sept. 18, 2024, 7:23 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez celebrates the joy of life, love, and wine. He uses the occasion of a feast to reflect on the transient nature of life and the importance of seeking spiritual fulfillment.

@hamed Sept. 18, 2024, 7:23 a.m.

Key Themes:

Carpe Diem: The poet urges readers to seize the moment and enjoy life's pleasures.
Love and Wine: Wine is used as a metaphor for divine love and spiritual ecstasy.
The Transient Nature of Life: The poet reflects on the impermanence of life and the importance of seeking spiritual fulfillment.

@hamed Sept. 18, 2024, 7:23 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ساقی: Wine-server
جمشید: A legendary king in Persian mythology associated with prosperity and happiness
حشر: The Day of Judgment
شیخ: A religious scholar or teacher

@hamed Sept. 18, 2024, 7:23 a.m.

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Cultural references: Many of Hafez's poems, including this one, contain allusions to Persian history, literature, and mythology.