I’ve fixed my gaze upon the moon-like brow, Ghazal 491 by Hafez

I’ve fixed my gaze upon the moon-like brow, Ghazal 491 by Hafez

By @hamed on October 12, 2024

I’ve fixed my gaze upon the moon-like brow, Ghazal 491 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

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In this ghazāl, Hafez expresses deep longing and devotion for a beloved. He uses vivid imagery and Sufi symbolism to convey his intense emotions.

Key Themes:

Love and longing: The poet's heart is consumed by love and longing for a beloved.
Spiritual journey: The imagery of the heart, the soul, and the journey of life is used to convey a spiritual quest.
Beauty and the beloved: The beloved is described using beautiful imagery, often associated with celestial bodies like the moon and stars.

English Translation for Ghazal

I’ve fixed my gaze upon the moon-like brow
A vision of the green line is etched somewhere in my mind

I hope that the charter of my love affair
Will reach a calligraphic height from that bow-like brow

My head is lost, my eyes have burned from waiting
In longing for the head and the eyes of a festive gathering

My heart is clouded with fire, I'll burn my robe
Come and see whom it makes a spectacle of

On the day of my demise, make my coffin of cypress
For I'm going to the lofty heights of sorrow

I've given the reins of my heart to a dervish
Who has no concern for anyone's crown or throne

In that place where beauties kill with a wink
Don't be surprised if a head falls at their feet

For me, whose night is illuminated by the moon of his face
How could I care for the light of a star?

Let separation and union be as my beloved wills
For it would be a pity to desire anything else from him

Fish offer pearls out of joy
If Hafez's ship reaches the sea

Ghazal in Persian

به چشم کرده‌ام ابروی ماه سیمایی

خیال سبزخطی نقش بسته‌ام جایی


امید هست که منشور عشقبازی من

از آن کمانچه ابرو رسد به طغرایی


سرم ز دست بشد چشم از انتظار بسوخت

در آرزوی سر و چشم مجلس آرایی


مکدر است دل آتش به خرقه خواهم زد

بیا ببین که کرا می‌کند تماشایی


به روز واقعه تابوت ما ز سرو کنید

که می‌رویم به داغ بلندبالایی


زمام دل به کسی داده‌ام من درویش

که نیستش به کس از تاج و تخت پروایی


در آن مقام که خوبان ز غمزه تیغ زنند

عجب مدار سری اوفتاده در پایی


مرا که از رخ او ماه در شبستان است

کجا بود به فروغ ستاره پروایی


فراق و وصل چه باشد رضای دوست طلب

که حیف باشد از او غیر او تمنایی


درر ز شوق برآرند ماهیان به نثار

اگر سفینه حافظ رسد به دریایی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 9:36 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

سبزخط: a specific style of Persian calligraphy, known for its elegant curves
طغرا: a calligraphic flourish, often used as a royal signature
کمانچه ابرو: bow-like eyebrow, a common beauty ideal in Persian poetry

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.