Last night, I saw that the angels knocked on the tavern door, Ghazal 184 by Hafez

Last night, I saw that the angels knocked on the tavern door, Ghazal 184 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 31, 2024

Last night, I saw that the angels knocked on the tavern door, Ghazal 184 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

دوش دیدم که ملایک دَرِ میخانه زدند

گِلِ آدم بِسِرشتَند و به پیمانه زدند


ساکنانِ حرمِ سِتْر و عِفافِ ملکوت

با منِ راه‌نشین بادهٔ مستانه زدند


آسمان بارِ امانت نتوانست کشید

قرعهٔ کار به نامِ منِ دیوانه زدند


جنگِ هفتاد و دو ملّت همه را عُذر بِنِه

چون ندیدند حقیقت رَهِ افسانه زدند


شُکرِ ایزد که میانِ من و او صلح افتاد

صوفیان رقص‌کنان ساغرِ شکرانه زدند


آتش آن نیست که از شعلهٔ او خندد شمع

آتش آن است که در خرمنِ پروانه زدند


کس چو حافظ نَگُشاد از رخِ اندیشه نقاب

تا سرِ زلفِ سخن را به قلم شانه زدند



English Translation:

Last night, I saw that the angels knocked on the tavern door,
They created the clay of Adam and filled the cup.

The inhabitants of the sanctuary of seclusion and the chastity of the heavens,
Drank a cup of intoxication with me, the wayfarer.

The sky could not bear the burden of trust,
So they cast the lot in the name of me, the madman.

Excuse all the wars of the seventy-two nations,
Since they did not see the truth of the legendary path.

Thank God that peace was made between me and Him,
The Sufis danced and raised a cup of thanksgiving.

That is not fire from whose flame a candle laughs,
That is fire that has fallen on the haystack of the moth.

No one like Hafez has unveiled the face of thought,
Until they combed the head of the lock of speech with a pen.

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:59 a.m.

In this ghazal, Hafez describes a mystical experience, where the boundaries between the divine and the earthly blur. The poet uses vivid imagery and Sufi symbolism to convey his feelings.

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:59 a.m.

Key Themes:

Mystical Union: The central theme is the poet's union with the divine.
The Tavern as a Symbol: The tavern is used as a symbol of spiritual awakening.
Cosmic Play: Hafez presents a cosmic play where divine beings participate in earthly affairs.

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:59 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

ملایک: Angels
سِتْر: Veil, seclusion
عِفاف: Chastity
حرم: Sanctuary

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 6 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's mystical poetry. The poet uses rich imagery and symbolism to convey a sense of divine love and unity.