Last night I went to the tavern door, drowsy, Ghazal 423 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 29 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez explores themes of spirituality, love, and the pursuit of knowledge. The poet juxtaposes the spiritual and the sensual, questioning the boundaries between the two.

Key Themes:

Spiritual journey: The tavern is used as a metaphor for a spiritual journey or quest.
Love and devotion: The beloved is seen as a source of both spiritual and sensual pleasure.
The nature of reality: The poet questions the nature of reality and the limitations of human understanding.

English Translation for Ghazal

Last night I went to the tavern door, drowsy
My robe was wet at the hem, my prayer mat stained with wine
The wine-selling maid came, lamenting
She said, "Wake up, O sleepy traveler"
"Wash yourself and then go to the tavern"
"So that this ruined monastery doesn't become stained from you"
"Why do you soil the essence of your spirit with the ruby of the beloved's lips?"
"Spend your time in purity, don't waste your old age"
"Don't make the garment of old age as stained as youth"
"Be pure and clear, and come out of the well of nature"
"For muddy water gives no clarity"
I said, "O life of the world, there is no fault in the flower's book"
"For the spring season can be stained by pure wine"
"The acquaintances of the path of love in this deep sea"
"Have been drowned and have not returned from the muddy water"
Hafez said, "Don't reveal your secrets and subtleties to companions"
"Alas for this kindness that is full of blame"

متن غزل

دوش رفتم به در میکده خواب‌آلوده

خرقه تر دامن و سجّاده شراب‌آلوده


آمد افسوس‌کنان مغبچهٔ باده‌فروش

گفت بیدار شو ای رهرو خواب‌آلوده


شست و شویی کن و آن‌گه به خرابات خِرام

تا نگردد ز تو این دیر خراب آلوده


به هوای لب شیرین پسران چند کنی

جوهر روح به یاقوت مذاب آلوده


به طهارت گذران منزل پیری و مکن

خلعت شیب چو تشریف شباب آلوده


پاک و صافی شو و از چاه طبیعت به در آی

که صفایی ندهد آب تراب‌آلوده


گفتم ای جان جهان دفتر گل عیبی نیست

که شود فصل بهار از می ناب آلوده


آشنایان ره عشق در این بحر عمیق

غرقه گشتند و نگشتند به آب آلوده


گفت حافظ لغز و نکته به یاران مفروش

آه از این لطف به انواع عتاب آلوده

@hamed Oct. 11, 2024, 12:49 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مغبچه: maid, young woman
خرابات: tavern, a symbol of spiritual quest
یاقوت: ruby (a metaphor for the beloved's lips)
طبیعت: nature, here referring to the physical world

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.