Last night, that stone-hearted beloved left me distraught, Ghazal 131 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 55 0

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In this poignant ghazal, Saadi Shirazi reflects on the torment and ecstasy of love. The poet describes the emotional upheaval caused by his beloved, who has captivated both his heart and soul. Using vivid imagery of tears like coral and a bud clutching its collar, Saadi portrays the shared agony and passion of all lovers. He notes how love reveals hidden secrets and demands ultimate devotion, emphasizing that one must surrender entirely, even life itself, to truly embrace the depths of love. The ghazal’s central message is the indivisibility of true love.

English Translation for Ghazal

Last night, that stone-hearted beloved left me distraught,
The one who stole my heart, now held my soul caught.

Tears fell from my eyes into my lap below,
As if my sleeve held coral's radiant glow.

My soul burned within from love’s fervent desire,
And if I hadn’t cried, what could quench the fire?

I never thought the night would yield to day,
Till I saw the dawn, bringing an end to its sway.

In the garden of paradise, gates were flung wide apart,
As if the breeze carried heaven’s keys to my heart.

I saw a bud swayed by the morning breeze,
Clutching its collar, just like me, in sweet unease.

It’s not just I who’ve been captivated by love’s art,
For every flower has a nightingale singing from its heart.

My secret has spilled beyond the veil I wore,
How long could patience conceal it anymore?

Saadi, one must part with life to endure love's test,
For one heart cannot house two loves as its guest.

متن غزل

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