Last night, the thought of your face wandered through my mind, Ghazal 133 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 61 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi delves into the depths of love’s agony and sorrow. He reflects on the haunting vision of his beloved's face and the profound despair it evokes. The imagery of a wounded bird, blood-stained sighs, and tears soaking the earth portrays his emotional torment. Saadi’s cries of anguish are so profound that even celestial beings empathize with his grief. The poet accepts the inevitability of suffering in love, encouraging patience despite the heartache. This poem captures the beauty and tragedy of unrequited love, a hallmark of Saadi’s lyrical genius.

English Translation for Ghazal

Last night, the thought of your face wandered through my mind,
While my weary soul roamed, unaware of love's bind.

My spirit, far from joy’s familiar nest,
Lay on the ground, like a bird with its throat suppressed.

My frail heart heaved a blood-tinged sigh,
For amidst its sorrows, blood and tears would lie.

The cries of my love’s grief rose so high,
That even Venus joined in, lamenting from the sky.

My tears soaked the dust, making the earth a wet bed,
While my wails deafened the heavens overhead.

Imagine how the arrow of love pierced my heart,
For my soul shielded my life as it tore me apart.

Be patient, Saadi, and bear this painful day,
For this day was foreseen in life’s disarray.

متن غزل

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