Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved: Ghazal 66 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 25 4

بنال بلبل اگر با مَنَت سرِ یاریست

که ما دو عاشق زاریم و کارِ ما زاریست


در آن زمین که نسیمی وزد ز طُرِّهٔ دوست

چه جایِ دم زدنِ نافه‌های تاتاریست


بیار باده که رنگین کنیم جامهٔ زرق

که مستِ جامِ غروریم و نام هشیاریست


خیالِ زلفِ تو پختن نه کارِ هر خامیست

که زیرِ سلسله رفتن طریقِ عیّاریست


لطیفه‌ایست نهانی که عشق از او خیزد

که نام آن نه لبِ لعل و خطِ زنگاریست


جمالِ شخص، نه چشم است و زلف و عارض و خال

هزار نکته در این کار و بارِ دلداریست


قلندرانِ حقیقت به نیم جو نخرند

قبایِ اطلس آن کس که از هنر عاریست


بر آستان تو مشکل توان رسید آری

عروج بر فلکِ سروری به دشواریست


سحر کرشمهٔ چشمت به خواب می‌دیدم

زهی مراتب خوابی که بِه ز بیداریست


دلش به ناله میازار و ختم کن حافظ

که رستگاریِ جاوید در کم آزاریست



English Translation:

Let the nightingale lament if it pleases the beloved,
For we are both lovesick and our work is to lament.

In a land where a breeze blows from the beloved's tresses,
What place is there for the scent of Tatar musk?

Bring wine so we can dye our garments with color,
For we are drunk on the cup of pride and the name of sobriety.

Dreaming of your locks is not for every novice,
For to go under the chain is the way of the rogue.

There is a subtle secret from which love arises,
And its name is neither ruby lips nor rust-colored mole.

Beauty is not merely the eyes, hair, complexion, or mole,
There are a thousand subtleties in this matter of lovemaking.

True dervishes would not buy for half a coin,
The satin robe of one who is devoid of art.

To reach your threshold is indeed difficult,
Ascension to the sky of sovereignty is arduous.

At dawn, I saw the charm of your eyes in a dream,
What a level of sleep it was, better than waking.

Do not grieve your heart and conclude, Hafez,
For eternal salvation lies in causing little pain.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 2:46 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, divine beauty, and the complexities of human experience. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 2:46 p.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The beloved is often seen as a symbol of the divine, and the poet's love for them is spiritual.
The Nature of Beauty: The poet explores the paradoxical nature of beauty, which can be both alluring and deceptive.
The Poet's Lament: Hafez expresses his pain and longing for the beloved, while also celebrating the freedom of his poetic expression.
The Path of Sufism: The ghazal alludes to Sufi concepts of love, divine union, and the journey of the soul.

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 2:46 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

مَنَت: Favor, boon
طُرِّه: Tresses
نافه: Musk
زلف: Locks
لطیفه: Subtlety
عیّاری: Roguery
قلندر: Dervish
اطلس: Satin
کرشمه: Charm, coquetry

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 2:46 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep philosophical thoughts with a celebration of love. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a rich tapestry of meaning.