Let us pass by the street of the tavern, Ghazal 372 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 46 0

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This ghazāl by Hafez celebrates the path of love and devotion, often associated with the Sufi tradition. The poet rejects conventional wisdom and embraces a life of spiritual seeking and intoxication.

Key Themes:

Love and devotion: The poet expresses a deep and unwavering devotion to his beloved.
Spiritual journey: The poet's journey towards spiritual enlightenment is often associated with the path of love.
Rejection of hypocrisy: The poet criticizes hypocrisy and the superficiality of religious practices.
The tavern as a symbol: The tavern is often used as a metaphor for a place of spiritual enlightenment.

English Translation for Ghazal

Let us pass by the street of the tavern
For we are all thirsty for a single drop.

On the first day, when the wind of nonconformity blew upon us
The condition was that we would follow no path but that one.

In a place where Jamshid's throne and cushion are reduced to dust
If we are sorrowful, it is better to drink wine.

Until we can reach out and touch her waist
We are as red as rubies, seated in the blood of our hearts.

O preacher, do not give advice to the rebellious, for we
Do not look to paradise in comparison to the dust of the beloved's courtyard.

Like the Sufis, we dance in ecstasy as leaders
We too will perform a miracle with our hands.

From your cup, the earth found gold and ruby
Poor us, who are lower than dust before you.

Hafez, since there is no way to the battlements of the palace of union
Let us end our lives with the dust of this door.

متن غزل

بگذار تا ز شارع میخانه بگذریم

کز بهر جرعه‌ای همه محتاج این دریم


روز نخست چون دم رندی زدیم و عشق

شرط آن بود که جز ره آن شیوه نسپریم


جایی که تخت و مسند جم می‌رود به باد

گر غم خوریم خوش نبود به که می خوریم


تا بو که دست در کمر او توان زدن

در خون دل نشسته چو یاقوت احمریم


واعظ مکن نصیحت شوریدگان که ما

با خاک کوی دوست به فردوس ننگریم


چون صوفیان به حالت و رقصند مقتدا

ما نیز هم به شعبده دستی برآوریم


از جرعه تو خاک زمین در و لعل یافت

بیچاره ما که پیش تو از خاک کمتریم


حافظ چو ره به کنگره کاخ وصل نیست

با خاک آستانه این در به سر بریم