Life has passed in futility and frivolity, Ghazal 455 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 43 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez reflects on the transience of life, the pursuit of spiritual knowledge, and the longing for divine love. He criticizes those who have become complacent in their spiritual pursuits and urges the reader to seek a deeper connection with the divine.

Key Themes:

The transience of life: The poet emphasizes the fleeting nature of earthly existence.
Spiritual seeking: Hafez urges the reader to seek spiritual knowledge and enlightenment.
The beauty of love: The poet expresses a deep longing for divine love and the beauty it brings.

English Translation for Ghazal

Life has passed in futility and frivolity
O son, give me the cup of wine, that I may reach old age

What thanks are there in this city, where they have become content
The eagles of the spiritual path, to the position of a fly

Yesterday, I was going in the procession of the servants of the door
He said, “O poor lover, who are you?”

With a heart bleeding like a musk bag, what pleasure should he have?
Whoever became famous in the world, became so through a sweet breath

The lightning flashed from Mount Sinai, and that is,
in fact, a spark of a shooting star for you

The caravan has gone, and you are asleep, and the desert is ahead
Alas, how unaware you are of the noise of many cups

Spread your wings and whistle from the tree of Tuba
It is a pity for a bird like you to be imprisoned in a cage

Until I take the skirt of the beloved like an incense burner
We have sacrificed our lives to the fire for the sake of a sweet breath

How long has Hafez wandered in search of you from every side?
May God make the way easy, willingly or by request

متن غزل

عمر بگذشت به بی‌حاصلی و بوالهوسی

ای پسر جام می‌ام ده که به پیری برسی


چه شکرهاست در این شهر که قانع شده‌اند

شاهبازان طریقت به مقام مگسی


دوش در خیل غلامان درش می‌رفتم

گفت ای عاشق بیچاره تو باری چه کسی


با دل خون شده چون نافه خوشش باید بود

هر که مشهور جهان گشت به مشکین نفسی


لمع البرق من الطور و آنست به

فلعلی لک آت بشهاب قبس


کاروان رفت و تو در خواب و بیابان در پیش

وه که بس بی‌خبر از غلغل چندین جرسی


بال بگشا و صفیر از شجر طوبی زن

حیف باشد چو تو مرغی که اسیر قفسی


تا چو مجمر نفسی دامن جانان گیرم

جان نهادیم بر آتش ز پی خوش نفسی


چند پوید به هوای تو ز هر سو حافظ

یسر الله طریقا بک یا ملتمسی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 2:09 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

طریقت: spiritual path
توبا: a tree in Islamic paradise, symbolizing divine blessings
مجمر: a censer, used to burn incense

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.