My beloved entered through my door, intoxicated, Ghazal 90 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 27 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a celebration of the intense emotions experienced in love: joy, longing, and heartbreak. The poem opens with the beloved’s arrival, likened to a blossoming flower and a breeze of paradise. Saadi expresses devotion by falling at their feet, pleading against abandonment. The beloved's playful glance and Saadi’s reply capture the complex interplay of beauty and cruelty in love. Despite their beloved’s coldness, Saadi remains unwavering, ending with a heartfelt prayer for connection. The ghazal encapsulates the bittersweet nature of love, where pain and passion coexist.

English Translation for Ghazal

My beloved entered through my door, intoxicated,
Lips smiling like a budding flower, elated.

When I saw that radiant, painted face,
I doubted myself—was it truly their grace?

Paradise opened its gates wide in cheer,
For the scent of their presence made the soul’s air clear.

I rushed forward, head bowed in haste,
Fell at their feet, pleading, "O beloved, stay chaste!"

"You’ve abandoned me entirely," I exclaimed in pain,
"Do not say such things—it’s cruel and profane."

For me, whose heart burns like a single candle’s flame,
The cloak of sorrow is tenfold, all the same.

With a playful glance, their eyes seemed to say,
"What wild gazelle hides in my narcissus today?"

I replied, "Your beauty is unmatched and rare,
But your unkindness and coldness are hard to bear."

Hear, at least once, Saadi’s heartfelt plea,
Though the whole world prays for your favor, endlessly.

متن غزل

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