My beloved is one whom God’s grace always accompanies, Ghazal 93 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 36 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi Shirazi reflects on the divine nature of love and devotion, emphasizing that true love transcends personal desires and is rooted in submission to the beloved’s will. The beloved is portrayed as both earthly and divine, a reflection of God’s creative power. Saadi contrasts the shallow admiration of physical beauty with a deeper spiritual connection to the Creator of that beauty. He highlights the transformative nature of love, which requires patience, humility, and sacrifice, while urging the seeker to focus on the beloved’s contentment rather than personal gratification. The poem intertwines themes of divine grace, spiritual longing, and the enduring power of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

My beloved is one whom God’s grace always accompanies,
Injustice and justice, rejection and acceptance, all are at their decree.

The sea of love truly has no shore,
But for those who know truth, its shore lies with them evermore.

In the time of Layla, there were not so many Majnoons,
This chaos has arisen only in the era of my beloved’s boons.

In this season of spring, no heart remains undisturbed,
Except that it’s in love with the rose and wounded by its thorn, perturbed.

Do you know which soil I envy most of all?
The blessed earth beneath their feet where they walk, proud and tall.

Do not believe that their beauty takes away my reason,
What takes my reason is the One who paints their form, season after season.

While others admire the beauty they see with their eyes,
I gaze upon the power of their Creator who lies beyond the skies.

It is enough for me to die at their threshold’s place,
So that I may be known as the one who served with grace.

In hardship, rejection, poverty, and despair,
If one cannot endure, then love is not theirs to bear.

Saadi, seek your beloved’s pleasure, not your own gain,
For the servant follows the will of their master’s reign.

متن غزل

یار من آن که لطف خداوند یار اوست

بیداد و داد و رد و قبول اختیار اوست


دریای عشق را به حقیقت کنار نیست

ور هست پیش اهل حقیقت کنار اوست


در عهد لیلی این همه مجنون نبوده‌اند

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الا که عاشق گل و مجروح خار اوست


دانی کدام خاک بر او رشک می‌برم

آن خاک نیکبخت که در رهگذار اوست


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عقل من آن ببرد که صورت‌نگار اوست


گر دیگران به منظر زیبا نظر کنند

ما را نظر به قدرت پروردگار اوست


اینم قبول بس که بمیرم بر آستان

تا نسبتم کنند که خدمتگزار اوست


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