My cry is for separation from the beloved, Ghazal 67 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 33 0

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In this heartfelt ghazal, Saadi pours out his sorrow over separation from a beloved. The poet vividly describes the overwhelming grief and restlessness caused by this distance, using imagery of blood-stained tears and a heart weighed down by sorrow. He reflects on the impermanence of both joy and sorrow, reminding himself and his readers of the transient nature of life and emotions. The ghazal is a poignant meditation on love, loss, and the passage of time, capturing the deep emotional turmoil of longing for a distant beloved.

English Translation for Ghazal

My cry is for separation from the beloved,
And my lament is for the sorrow of the adored one.

Without the moon-like face of that beauty,
My cheeks are stained with tears of blood.

The blood of my heart, from parting with you,
Flows ceaselessly down my cheeks.

The pain in my heart has surpassed all bounds,
And my soul is restless from this separation.

No one is aware of my grief,
Alas, for this world is not eternal.

I suffer at the hands of time,
For it burdens my soul and heart with anguish.

Saadi, why do you complain about the beloved,
When both joy and sorrow are fleeting?

متن غزل

فریاد من از فراق یار است

وافغان من از غم نگار است


بی روی چو ماه آن نگارین

رخسارهٔ من به خون نگار است


خون جگرم ز فرقت تو

از دیده روانه در کنار است


درد دل من ز حد گذشته‌ست

جانم ز فراق بی‌قرار است


کس را ز غم من آگهی نیست

آوخ که جهان نه پایدار است


از دست زمانه در عذابم

زان جان و دلم همی فکار است


سعدی چه کنی شکایت از دوست

چون شادی و غم نه برقرار است