My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face: Ghazal 70 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 31 4

مردم دیدهٔ ما جز به رُخَت ناظر نیست

دل سرگشتهٔ ما غیرِ تو را ذاکر نیست


اشکم احرامِ طوافِ حَرَمَت می‌بندد

گرچه از خونِ دلِ ریش دمی طاهر نیست


بستهٔ دام و قفس باد چو مرغ وحشی

طایر سِدره اگر در طلبت طایر نیست


عاشقِ مفلس اگر قلبِ دلش کرد نثار

مَکُنَش عیب که بر نقدِ روان قادر نیست


عاقبت دست بدان سروِ بلندش برسد

هر که را در طلبت همتِ او قاصر نیست


از روان بخشی عیسی نزنم دَم هرگز

زان که در روح فَزایی چو لبت ماهر نیست


من که در آتشِ سودای تو آهی نزنم

کِی توان گفت که بر داغ، دلم صابر نیست


روز اول که سرِ زلفِ تو دیدم گفتم

که پریشانیِ این سلسله را آخر نیست


سَرِ پیوند تو تنها نه دلِ حافظ راست

کیست آن کِش سَرِ پیوند تو در خاطر نیست



English Translation:

My eyes, weary of the world, see nothing but your face,
My wandering heart remembers none but you.

My tears tie the pilgrim's ihram around your sanctuary,
Though my broken heart's blood is not pure for a moment.

Bound by the snare and cage of the wind like a wild bird,
The bird of the celestial tree, even if it seeks you, is not a bird.

If a penniless lover offers their heart,
Don't blame them for not being able to pay cash for their soul.

Eventually, whoever is not lacking in determination to seek you
Will reach that lofty cypress.

I will never speak of the life-giving breath of Jesus,
For no one is as skilled as your lips in animating the spirit.

I who do not sigh in the fire of my longing for you,
How can it be said that my heart is patient with this wound?

The first day I saw your flowing locks, I said,
That the disorder of this chain will never end.

It's not only Hafez's heart that is tied to your connection,
Who is there whose heart doesn't remember your bond?

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:07 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, longing, and divine connection. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:07 p.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The beloved is often seen as a symbol of the divine, and the poet's love for them is spiritual.
Longing and Separation: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the pain of separation.
The Power of Beauty: The beloved's beauty is described as captivating and irresistible.
Sufi Themes: The ghazal alludes to Sufi concepts of love, divine union, and the journey of the soul.

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:07 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

رُخَت: Your face
حَرَمَت: Your sanctuary
طاهر: Pure
سِدره: A celestial tree
عاقبت: Eventually
عیسی: Jesus
فَزایی: Animating
سلسله: Chain

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 3:08 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his longing for his beloved.