My head is clear, and I proclaim loudly, Ghazal 379 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 55 1

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This ghazāl by Hafez is a celebration of love, wine, and spiritual seeking. The poet embraces a carefree and joyful life, rejecting the constraints of conventional religion and society.

Key Themes:

Love and devotion: The poet expresses a deep and unwavering devotion to his beloved.
Spiritual journey: The poet's journey towards spiritual enlightenment is often associated with the path of love.
Rejection of hypocrisy: The poet criticizes hypocrisy and the superficiality of religious practices.
The tavern as a symbol: The tavern is often used as a metaphor for a place of spiritual enlightenment.

English Translation for Ghazal

My head is clear, and I proclaim loudly
That I seek the breeze of life from the goblet.

The gloomy asceticism does not sit well with the face of intoxication
I am a cheerful disciple of the pain-bearing patched cloak.

I have become a tale of being lost and the eyebrow of my beloved
Has drawn me into the bend of his bow, like a ball.

If the old man of the tavern does not open the door
Which door should I knock on? Where should I seek a remedy?

Do not reproach me for my self-will in this garden
I grow as they cultivate me.

Do not see a contradiction between the monastery and the tavern
God is my witness, wherever I am, I am with Him.

The dust of the path of seeking is the elixir of good fortune
I am a slave to the government of that amber-scented dust.

From the longing for the tall, intoxicated narcissus
Like a tulip, I fall face down by the stream, seeking.

Bring the wine, for according to Hafez's verdict, from a pure heart
I will wash away the dust of ostentation with the blessing of the goblet.

متن غزل

سرم خوش است و به بانگ بلند می‌گویم

که من نسیم حیات از پیاله می‌جویم


عبوس زهد به وجه خمار ننشیند

مرید خرقه دردی کشان خوش خویم


شدم فسانه به سرگشتگی و ابروی دوست

کشید در خم چوگان خویش چون گویم


گرم نه پیر مغان در به روی بگشاید

کدام در بزنم چاره از کجا جویم


مکن در این چمنم سرزنش به خودرویی

چنان که پرورشم می‌دهند می‌رویم


تو خانقاه و خرابات در میانه مبین

خدا گواه که هر جا که هست با اویم


غبار راه طلب کیمیای بهروزیست

غلام دولت آن خاک عنبرین بویم


ز شوق نرگس مست بلندبالایی

چو لاله با قدح افتاده بر لب جویم


بیار می که به فتوی حافظ از دل پاک

غبار زرق به فیض قدح فروشویم

@hamed Oct. 9, 2024, 12:49 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

خمار: intoxication
مغان: a Zoroastrian priest, often used metaphorically to refer to a spiritual guide
نرجس: narcissus, a type of flower often associated with beauty and pride
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.