Not everyone can be called insightful, Ghazal 66 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 34 0

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This ghazal by Saadi delves into the essence of true love, contrasting it with superficial desires and self-serving passions. It reflects on the purity and pain of love, celebrating its transformative power to elevate human nature. Saadi emphasizes endurance in the face of love’s trials and expresses unwavering devotion to the beloved, finding sweetness even in bitterness. The poem underscores the idea that love transcends complaints, fear, or the longing for freedom, embodying a deep surrender to the beloved's will.

English Translation for Ghazal

Not everyone can be called insightful,
For love is one thing, and self-indulgence is another.

Not every eye that sees black and white
Truly distinguishes between them; true vision is rare.

Whoever cannot endure the burning flame of love,
Tell them to stay away, for the moth's fate is perilous.

If I complain of the beloved, my words are false,
For one who complains knows nothing of true love.

If a person restrains the lust of their soul,
They attain humanity; otherwise, they remain an animal.

Whether sweet or bitter, the drink from the beloved's hand—
Give it to me, O dear one, for my thirst is insatiable.

I cannot understand the language of your lips' love,
Yet the more bitter it is, the sweeter I find it, as if it's sugar.

Even if you strike me with your sword, I bear you no enmity;
My enemy is the one who comes between me and your blade.

I will never seek freedom from this bondage,
For the shackle tied by your hand is my crown of honor.

Saadi will not let go of the beloved's hem, even in hardship,
For one does not forsake a pearl simply because the sea is dangerous.

متن غزل

هر کسی را نتوان گفت که صاحب‌نظر است

عشقبازی دگر و نفس‌پرستی دگر است


نه هر آن چشم که بینند سیاه است و سپید

یا سپیدی ز سیاهی بشناسد بصر است


هر که در آتش عشقش نبود طاقت سوز

گو به نزدیک مرو کآفت پروانه پر است


گر من از دوست بنالم نفسم صادق نیست

خبر از دوست ندارد که ز خود باخبر است


آدمی صورت اگر دفع کند شهوت نفس

آدمی خوی شود ور نه همان جانور است


شربت از دست دلارام چه شیرین و چه تلخ

بده ای دوست که مستسقی از آن تشنه‌تر است


من خود از عشق لبت فهم سخن می‌نکنم

هرچ از آن تلخترم گر تو بگویی شکر است


ور به تیغم بزنی با تو مرا خصمی نیست

خصم آنم که میان من و تیغت سپر است


من از این بند نخواهم به در آمد همه عمر

بند پایی که به دست تو بود تاج سر است


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