O beloved, let a lover perish in devotion to their love, Ghazal 89 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 24 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi explores the themes of unconditional love and selflessness in devotion. The poet declares that their life is intertwined with love, finding joy even in suffering if it is caused by their beloved. Saadi uses vivid metaphors, such as two souls sharing one body and the lover being a ball chased in the game of love, to depict the inseparable bond and relentless pursuit of love. The poet’s selfless devotion is emphasized in the closing couplet, where Saadi reveals that their ultimate happiness lies not in personal gain but in fulfilling the desires of the beloved. The ghazal captures the depth of true love, where pain and pleasure are indistinguishable when love is pure.

English Translation for Ghazal

O beloved, let a lover perish in devotion to their love,
For their life is found in being lost in you above.

To me, your cruelty and kindness are the same,
For whatever pleases you, beloved, brings me no blame.

Love for you and I were born from the world’s womb,
Two souls in one body, like kernels in a single shell’s room.

All trials that befall the noble are adorned with grace,
Especially those gifted by a beloved’s charming face.

My heart was captured by a tall and graceful cypress tree,
Unlike those by the stream, this one stands apart uniquely.

Last night in a dream, I clasped their flowing hair,
Its fragrance still lingers on my hands, rich and rare.

Like a ball in a game, I’ve been sent rolling across the world,
Chased by the stick of love, endlessly hurled.

Some may gaze upon my weeping eyes and think them aflame,
Unaware that my burning is from your love, the same.

All who love, seek their own joy from the beloved they choose,
But Saadi’s desire is to fulfill their desires and never refuse.

متن غزل

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